Checks reference

Checks work with Sensu agents to produce observability events automatically. You can use checks to monitor server resources, services, and application health as well as collect and analyze metrics. Read Monitor server resources to get started. Use Bonsai, the Sensu asset hub, to discover, download, and share Sensu check dynamic runtime assets.

This example shows a check resource definition that includes the minimum recommended attributes.

NOTE: The attribute interval is not required if a valid cron schedule is defined. Read scheduling for more information.

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: check_minimum
  - slack
  interval: 10
  publish: true
  - system
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "check_minimum"
  "spec": {
    "command": "",
    "subscriptions": [
    "handlers": [
    "interval": 10,
    "publish": true

Check commands

Each Sensu check definition specifies a command and the schedule at which it should be executed. Check commands are executable commands that the Sensu agent executes.

A command may include command line arguments for controlling the behavior of the command executable. Many common checks are available as dynamic runtime assets from Bonsai and support command line arguments so different check definitions can use the same executable.

NOTE: Sensu advises against requiring root privileges to execute check commands or scripts. The Sensu user is not permitted to kill timed-out processes invoked by the root user, which could result in zombie processes.

Check command execution

All check commands are executed by Sensu agents as the sensu user. Commands must be executable files that are discoverable on the Sensu agent system (for example, installed in a system $PATH directory).

Check result specification

Although Sensu agents attempt to execute any command defined for a check, successful check result processing requires adherence to a simple specification.

  • Result data is output to stdout or stderr.
    • For service checks, this output is typically a human-readable message.
    • For metric checks, this output contains the measurements gathered by the check.
  • Exit status code indicates state.
    • 0 indicates OK.
    • 1 indicates WARNING.
    • 2 indicates CRITICAL.
    • Exit status codes other than 0, 1, and 2 indicate an UNKNOWN or custom status

PRO TIP: If you’re familiar with the Nagios monitoring system, you may recognize this specification — it is the same one that Nagios plugins use. As a result, you can use Nagios plugins with Sensu without any modification.

At every execution of a check command, regardless of success or failure, the Sensu agent publishes the check’s result for eventual handling by the event processor (the Sensu backend).

Check scheduling

The Sensu backend schedules checks and publishes check execution requests to entities via a publish/subscribe model. Checks have a defined set of subscriptions: transport topics to which the Sensu backend publishes check requests. Sensu entities become subscribers to these topics (called subscriptions) via their individual subscriptions attribute.

You can schedule checks using the interval, cron, and publish attributes. Sensu requires that checks include either an interval attribute (interval scheduling) or a cron attribute (cron scheduling).

Round robin checks

By default, Sensu schedules checks once per interval for each agent with a matching subscription: one check execution per agent per interval. Sensu also supports deduplicated check execution when configured with the round_robin check attribute. For checks with round_robin set to true, Sensu executes the check once per interval, cycling through the available agents alphabetically according to agent name.

For example, for three agents configured with the system subscription (agents A, B, and C), a check configured with the system subscription and round_robin set to true results in one observability event per interval, with the agent creating the event following the pattern A -> B -> C -> A -> B -> C for the first six intervals.

Round robin check diagram

In the diagram above, the standard check is executed by agents A, B, and C every 60 seconds. The round robin check cycles through the available agents, resulting in each agent executing the check every 180 seconds.

To use check ttl and round_robin together, your check configuration must also specify a proxy_entity_name. If you do not specify a proxy_entity_name when using check ttl and round_robin together, your check will stop executing.

PRO TIP: Use round robin to distribute check execution workload across multiple agents when using proxy checks.

Event storage for round robin scheduling

If you use round robin scheduling for check execution, we recommend using PostgreSQL rather than etcd for event storage. Etcd leases are unreliable as the scheduling mechanism for round robin check execution, and etcd will not produce precise round robin behavior.

When you enable round robin scheduling on PostgreSQL, any existing round robin scheduling will stop and migrate to PostgreSQL as entities check in with keepalives. Sensu will gradually delete the existing etcd scheduler state as keepalives on the etcd scheduler keys expire over time.

Interval scheduling

You can schedule a check to be executed at regular intervals using the interval and publish check attributes. For example, to schedule a check to execute every 60 seconds, set the interval attribute to 60 and the publish attribute to true.

NOTE: When creating an interval check, Sensu calculates an initial offset to splay the check’s first scheduled request. This helps balance the load of both the backend and the agent and may result in a delay before initial check execution.

Example interval check

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: interval_check
  command: -w 75 -c 90
  - slack
  interval: 60
  publish: true
  - system
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "interval_check"
  "spec": {
    "command": " -w 75 -c 90",
    "subscriptions": ["system"],
    "handlers": ["slack"],
    "interval": 60,
    "publish": true

Cron scheduling

You can also schedule checks using cron syntax.

Examples of valid cron values include:

  • cron: CRON_TZ=Asia/Tokyo * * * * *
  • cron: TZ=Asia/Tokyo * * * * *
  • cron: '* * * * *'

NOTE: If you’re using YAML to create a check that uses cron scheduling and the first character of the cron schedule is an asterisk (*), place the entire cron schedule inside single or double quotes (for example, cron: '* * * * *').

Example cron checks

To schedule a check to execute once a minute at the start of the minute, set the cron attribute to * * * * * and the publish attribute to true:

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: cron_check
  command: -w 75 -c 90
  cron: '* * * * *'
  - slack
  publish: true
  - system
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "cron_check"
  "spec": {
    "command": " -w 75 -c 90",
    "subscriptions": ["system"],
    "handlers": ["slack"],
    "cron": "* * * * *",
    "publish": true

Use a prefix of TZ= or CRON_TZ= to set a timezone for the cron attribute:

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: cron_check
  check_hooks: null
  command: hi
  cron: CRON_TZ=Asia/Tokyo * * * * *
  env_vars: null
  handlers: []
  high_flap_threshold: 0
  interval: 0
  low_flap_threshold: 0
  output_metric_format: ""
  output_metric_handlers: null
  output_metric_tags: null
  proxy_entity_name: ""
  publish: true
  round_robin: false
  runtime_assets: null
  stdin: false
  subdue: null
  - sys
  timeout: 0
  ttl: 0
   "type": "CheckConfig",
   "api_version": "core/v2",
   "metadata": {
      "name": "cron_check"
   "spec": {
      "check_hooks": null,
      "command": "hi",
      "cron": "CRON_TZ=Asia/Tokyo * * * * *",
      "env_vars": null,
      "handlers": [],
      "high_flap_threshold": 0,
      "interval": 0,
      "low_flap_threshold": 0,
      "output_metric_format": "",
      "output_metric_handlers": null,
      "output_metric_tags": null,
      "proxy_entity_name": "",
      "publish": true,
      "round_robin": false,
      "runtime_assets": null,
      "stdin": false,
      "subdue": null,
      "subscriptions": [
      "timeout": 0,
      "ttl": 0

Ad hoc scheduling

In addition to automatic execution, you can create checks to be scheduled manually using core/v2/checks API endpoints. To create a check with ad-hoc scheduling, set the publish attribute to false in addition to an interval or cron schedule.

Example ad hoc check

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: ad_hoc_check
  command: -w 75 -c 90
  - slack
  interval: 60
  publish: false
  - system
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "ad_hoc_check"
  "spec": {
    "command": " -w 75 -c 90",
    "subscriptions": ["system"],
    "handlers": ["slack"],
    "interval": 60,
    "publish": false

Proxy checks

Sensu supports running proxy checks that associate events with a entity that isn’t actually executing the check, regardless of whether that entity is an agent entity or a proxy entity. Proxy entities allow Sensu to monitor external resources on systems and devices where a Sensu agent cannot be installed, like a network switch or a website. You can create a proxy check using proxy_entity_name or proxy_requests.

When you create a proxy check, make sure the check definition includes a subscription that matches the subscription of at least one agent entity to define which agents will run the check. Proxy entities do not use subscriptions.

To avoid duplicate events, use the round_robin check attribute with proxy checks. Read Round robin checks and Proxy entities and round robin scheduling to learn more.

Read Monitor external resources with proxy entities to learn how to create proxy checks to generate events for one or more proxy entities.

Use a proxy check to monitor a proxy entity

When executing checks that include a proxy_entity_name, Sensu agents report the resulting events under the specified proxy entity instead of the agent entity. If the proxy entity doesn’t exist, Sensu creates the proxy entity when the backend receives the event.

Example proxy check using proxy_entity_name

The following proxy check runs every 60 seconds, cycling through the agents with the run_proxies subscription alphabetically according to the agent name, for the proxy entity sensu-site.

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: proxy_check
  - slack
  interval: 60
  proxy_entity_name: sensu-site
  publish: true
  round_robin: true
  - run_proxies
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "proxy_check"
  "spec": {
    "command": "",
    "subscriptions": ["run_proxies"],
    "handlers": ["slack"],
    "interval": 60,
    "publish": true,
    "round_robin": true,
    "proxy_entity_name": "sensu-site"

Use a proxy check to monitor multiple proxy entities

The proxy_requests check attributes allow Sensu to run a check for each entity that matches the expressions specified in the entity_attributes, resulting in observability events that represent each matching proxy entity. The entity attributes must match exactly as stated.

No variables or directives have any special meaning, but you can use Sensu query expressions to perform more complicated filtering on the available value, such as finding entities with a particular class or label.

Combine proxy_requests attributes with with token substitution as shown in the example proxy check below to monitor multiple entities using a single check definition.

Example proxy check using proxy_requests

The following proxy check runs every 60 seconds, cycling through the agents with the run_proxies subscription alphabetically according to the agent name, for all existing proxy entities with the custom label proxy_type set to website.

This check uses token substitution to import the value of the custom entity label url to complete the check command. Read the entities reference for information about adding custom labels to entities.

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: proxy_check_proxy_requests
  command: {{ .labels.url }}
  - slack
  interval: 60
    - entity.labels.proxy_type == 'website'
  publish: true
  round_robin: true
  - run_proxies
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "proxy_check_proxy_requests"
  "spec": {
    "command": " {{ .labels.url }}",
    "subscriptions": ["run_proxies"],
    "handlers": ["slack"],
    "interval": 60,
    "publish": true,
    "proxy_requests": {
      "entity_attributes": [
        "entity.labels.proxy_type == 'website'"
    "round_robin": true

Fine-tune proxy check scheduling with splay

Use the splay and splay_coverage attributes to distribute proxy check executions across the check interval.

To continue the example proxy_check_proxy_requests check, if the check matches three proxy entities, you will get a single burst of three check executions (with the resulting events) every 60 seconds. Use the splay and splay_coverage attributes to distribute the three check executions over the specified check interval instead of all at the same time.

The following example adds splay set to true and splay_coverage set to 90 within the proxy_requests object. With this addition, instead of three check executions in a single burst every 60 seconds, Sensu will distribute the three check executions evenly across a 54-second period (90% of the 60-second interval):

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: proxy_check_proxy_requests
  command: {{ .labels.url }}
  - slack
  interval: 60
    - entity.labels.proxy_type == 'website'
    splay: true
    splay_coverage: 90
  publish: true
  round_robin: true
  - run_proxies
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "proxy_check_proxy_requests"
  "spec": {
    "command": " {{ .labels.url }}",
    "handlers": [
    "interval": 60,
    "proxy_requests": {
      "entity_attributes": [
        "entity.labels.proxy_type == 'website'"
      "splay": true,
      "splay_coverage": 90
    "publish": true,
    "round_robin": true,
    "subscriptions": [

Check token substitution

Sensu check definitions may include attributes that you wish to override on an entity-by-entity basis. For example, check commands, which may include command line arguments for controlling the behavior of the check command, may benefit from entity-specific thresholds. Sensu check tokens are check definition placeholders that the Sensu agent will replace with the corresponding entity definition attribute values (including custom attributes).

Learn how to use check tokens with the Sensu tokens reference documentation.

NOTE: Check tokens are processed before check execution, so token substitutions will not apply to check data delivered via the local agent socket input.


Use the subdues attribute in check definitions to set specific periods of time when Sensu should not execute the check. Subdues allow you to schedule alert-free periods of time, such as during sleeping hours, weekends, or special maintenance periods.

You can set more than one subdue at a time. Each subdue includes a begin and end time as well as how often to repeat the subdue, if desired.

For example, this check will be subdued (in other words, will not be executed) from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. PDT on every weekday, and for the entire day on weekends, as well as every Friday from 10:00 until 11:00 a.m. PDT:

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: check_cpu
  command: check-cpu-usage -w 75 -c 90
  interval: 60
  - slack
  publish: true
  round_robin: false
  - check-cpu-usage
  - begin: "2022-04-18T17:00:00-07:00"
    end: "2022-04-19T08:00:00-07:00"
    - weekdays
  - begin: "2022-04-23T00:00:00-07:00"
    end: "2022-04-23T23:59:59-07:00"
    - weekends
  - begin: "2022-04-22T10:00:00-07:00"
    end: "2022-04-22T11:00:00-07:00"
    - fridays
  - system
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "check_cpu"
  "spec": {
    "command": "check-cpu-usage -w 75 -c 90",
    "interval": 60,
    "handlers": [
    "publish": true,
    "round_robin": false,
    "runtime_assets": [
    "subdues": [
        "begin": "2022-04-18T17:00:00-07:00",
        "end": "2022-04-19T08:00:00-07:00",
        "repeat": [
        "begin": "2022-04-23T00:00:00-07:00",
        "end": "2022-04-23T23:59:59-07:00",
        "repeat": [
        "begin": "2022-04-22T10:00:00-07:00",
        "end": "2022-04-22T11:00:00-07:00",
        "repeat": [
    "subscriptions": [

Subdues and repeat

If you include a repeat array in a subdues object, Sensu will start the subdue period on the date you specify. After the first subdue, Sensu uses the begin and end values only to determine the time of day to start and stop the subdue.

NOTE: Check subdue repeats are based on the specified begin and end times and not duration or the difference between the begin and end times. Read Repeat and multi-day subdues for more information.

In the above example, on April 18, 2022, Sensu will apply the weekdays subdue at 5:00 p.m. PDT and end it on April 19 at 8:00 a.m. PDT. On April 19, Sensu will apply the weekdays subdue again at 5:00 p.m. PDT and end it on April 20 at 8:00 a.m. PDT, and so on.

Valid values for repeat arrays

This table lists and describes valid values for the repeat array:

Value Description
mondays tuesdays wednesdays thursdays fridays saturdays sundays Subdue on the specified day, at the same time of day
weekdays Subdue on all Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, at the same time of day
weekends Subdue on all Saturdays and Sundays, at the same time of day
daily Subdue once every day, at the same time of day
weekly Subdue once per week on the same day, at the same time of day
monthly Subdue once per month on the same day, at the same time of day
annually Subdue once per year on the same day, at the same time of day

Repeat and multi-day subdues

Because repeat schedules for subdues are based only on the specified time of day, you may need to configure more than one repeat for multi-day subdues.

For example, suppose that you want to subdue a check on the weekends. You might set a repeat that starts on a Friday at 5:00 p.m. PDT and ends on Monday at 8:00 a.m. PDT:

- begin: "2022-05-06T17:00:00-07:00"
  end: "2022-05-09T08:00:00-07:00"
  - fridays
  "subdues": [
      "begin": "2022-05-06T17:00:00-07:00",
      "end": "2022-05-09T08:00:00-07:00",
      "repeat": [

The first weekend, your repeat will work as expected to subdue the check from 5:00 p.m. PDT on Friday until 8:00 a.m. PDT on Monday.

After the first weekend, the subdue will start as expected at 5:00 p.m. PDT on Friday, but it will expire at 8:00 a.m. PDT on Saturday instead of Monday. This is because after the first instance, repeats are based only on the specified begin and end times. Sensu uses the dates to schedule only the first subdue.

Instead, use the following three-part configuration to achieve the desired repeat schedule (every Friday at 5:00 p.m. PDT until Monday at 8:00 a.m. PDT):

- begin: "2022-05-06T17:00:00-07:00"
  end: "2022-05-06T23:59:59-07:00"
  - fridays
- begin: "2022-05-07T00:00:00-07:00"
  end: "2022-05-07T23:59:59-07:00"
  - weekends
- begin: "2022-05-09T00:00:00-07:00"
  end: "2022-05-09T08:00:00-07:00"
  - mondays
  "subdues": [
      "begin": "2022-05-06T17:00:00-07:00",
      "end": "2022-05-06T23:59:59-07:00",
      "repeat": [
      "begin": "2022-05-07T00:00:00-07:00",
      "end": "2022-05-07T23:59:59-07:00",
      "repeat": [
      "begin": "2022-05-09T00:00:00-07:00",
      "end": "2022-05-09T08:00:00-07:00",
      "repeat": [

With this configuration, the repeat schedule will subdue the check every Friday from 5:00 p.m. PDT until midnight, the entire 24 hours on every Saturday and Sunday, and every Monday from midnight until 8:00 a.m. PDT.

Check hooks

Check hooks are commands run by the Sensu agent in response to the result of check command execution. The Sensu agent will execute the appropriate configured hook command, depending on the check execution status (for example, 0, 1, or 2).

Learn how to use check hooks with the Sensu hooks reference documentation.

Check specification

Top-level attributes

description Top-level attribute that specifies the Sensu API group and version. For checks in this version of Sensu, this attribute should always be core/v2.
required Required for check definitions in wrapped-json or yaml format for use with sensuctl create.
type String
api_version: core/v2
  "api_version": "core/v2"
description Top-level collection of metadata about the check, including name, namespace, and created_by as well as custom labels and annotations. The metadata map is always at the top level of the check definition. This means that in wrapped-json and yaml formats, the metadata scope occurs outside the spec scope. Read metadata attributes for details.
required Required for check definitions in wrapped-json or yaml format for use with sensuctl create.
type Map of key-value pairs
  name: sensu-site-perf
  namespace: development
  created_by: admin
    region: us-west-1
    environment: dev
    slack-channel: "#monitoring"
    managed-by: ops
    playbooks: www.playbooks-example.url
  "metadata": {
    "name": "sensu-site-perf",
    "namespace": "development",
    "created_by": "admin",
    "labels": {
      "region": "us-west-1",
      "environment": "dev"
    "annotations": {
      "slack-channel": "#monitoring",
      "managed-by": "ops",
      "playbooks": "www.playbooks-example.url"
description Top-level map that includes the check spec attributes.
required Required for check definitions in wrapped-json or yaml format for use with sensuctl create.
type Map of key-value pairs
  check_hooks: null
  discard_output: true
  env_vars: null
  handlers: []
  high_flap_threshold: 0
  interval: 10
  low_flap_threshold: 0
  output_metric_format: prometheus_text
  - name: instance
    value: '{{ .name }}'
  - name: namespace
    value: "{{ .namespace }}"
  - name: service
    value: '{{ .labels.service }}'
    - name: system_mem_used
      tags: null
      null_status: 0
      - max: "75.0"
        min: ""
        status: 1
      - max: "90.0"
        min: ""
        status: 2
    - name: system_host_processes
      - name: namespace
        value: production
      null_status: 0
      - max: "50"
        min: "5"
        status: 1
      - max: "75"
        min: "2"
        status: 2
  - type: Pipeline
    api_version: core/v2
    name: prometheus_gateway_workflows
  proxy_entity_name: ""
  publish: true
  round_robin: false
  runtime_assets: null
  stdin: false
  - system
  timeout: 0
  ttl: 0
  "spec": {
    "check_hooks": null,
    "command": "",
    "discard_output": true,
    "env_vars": null,
    "handlers": [

    "high_flap_threshold": 0,
    "interval": 10,
    "low_flap_threshold": 0,
    "output_metric_format": "prometheus_text",
    "output_metric_tags": [
        "name": "instance",
        "value": "{{ .name }}"
        "name": "namespace",
        "value": "{{ .namespace }}"
        "name": "service",
        "value": "{{ .labels.service }}"
    "output_metric_thresholds": [
        "name": "system_mem_used",
        "tags": null,
        "null_status": 0,
        "thresholds": [
            "max": "75.0",
            "min": "",
            "status": 1
            "max": "90.0",
            "min": "",
            "status": 2
        "name": "system_host_processes",
        "tags": [
            "name": "namespace",
            "value": "production"
        "null_status": 0,
        "thresholds": [
            "max": "50",
            "min": "5",
            "status": 1
            "max": "75",
            "min": "2",
            "status": 2
    "pipelines": [
        "type": "Pipeline",
        "api_version": "core/v2",
        "name": "prometheus_gateway_workflows"
    "proxy_entity_name": "",
    "publish": true,
    "round_robin": false,
    "runtime_assets": null,
    "stdin": false,
    "subscriptions": [
    "timeout": 0,
    "ttl": 0
description Top-level attribute that specifies the sensuctl create resource type. Checks should always be type CheckConfig.
required Required for check definitions in wrapped-json or yaml format for use with sensuctl create.
type String
type: CheckConfig
  "type": "CheckConfig"

Metadata attributes

description Non-identifying metadata to include with observation event data that you can access with event filters. You can use annotations to add data that’s meaningful to people or external tools that interact with Sensu.

In contrast to labels, you cannot use annotations in API response filtering, sensuctl response filtering, or web UI views.
required false
type Map of key-value pairs. Keys and values can be any valid UTF-8 string.
default null
  slack-channel: "#monitoring"
  managed-by: ops
  playbooks: www.playbooks-example.url
  "annotations": {
    "slack-channel": "#monitoring",
    "managed-by": "ops",
    "playbooks": "www.playbooks-example.url"
description Username of the Sensu user who created the check or last updated the check. Sensu automatically populates the created_by field when the check is created or updated.
required false
type String
created_by: admin
  "created_by": "admin"
description Custom attributes to include with observation event data that you can use for response and web UI view filtering.

If you include labels in your event data, you can filter API responses, sensuctl responses, and web UI views based on them. In other words, labels allow you to create meaningful groupings for your data.

Limit labels to metadata you need to use for response filtering. For complex, non-identifying metadata that you will not need to use in response filtering, use annotations rather than labels.
required false
type Map of key-value pairs. Keys can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores and must start with a letter. Values can be any valid UTF-8 string.
default null
  region: us-west-1
  environment: dev
  "labels": {
    "region": "us-west-1",
    "environment": "dev"
description Unique string used to identify the check. Check names cannot contain special characters or spaces (validated with Go regex \A[\w\.\-]+\z). Each check must have a unique name within its namespace.
required true
type String
name: sensu-site-perf
  "name": "sensu-site-perf"
description Sensu RBAC namespace that the check belongs to.
required false
type String
default default
namespace: development
  "namespace": "development"

Spec attributes

NOTE: Spec attributes are not required when sending an HTTP POST request to the agent events API or the backend core/v2/events API. When doing so, the spec attributes are listed as individual top-level attributes in the check definition instead.

description Array of check response types with respective arrays of Sensu hook names. Sensu hooks are commands run by the Sensu agent in response to the result of the check command execution. Hooks are executed in order of precedence based on their severity type: 1 to 255, ok, warning, critical, unknown, and finally non-zero.
required false
type Array
- '1':
  - playbook-warning
  - collect-diagnostics
- critical:
  - playbook-critical
  - collect-diagnostics
  - process-tree
  "check_hooks": [
      "1": [
      "critical": [
description Check command to be executed.
required true
type String
command: http-perf --url --warning 1s --critical 2s
  "command": "http-perf --url --warning 1s --critical 2s"
description When the check should be executed, using cron syntax or a predefined schedule. Use a prefix of TZ= or CRON_TZ= to set a timezone for the cron attribute.

NOTE: If you’re using YAML to create a check that uses cron scheduling and the first character of the cron schedule is an asterisk (*), place the entire cron schedule inside single or double quotes (for example, cron: '* * * * *').

required true (unless interval is configured)
type String
cron: 0 0 * * *
  "cron": "0 0 * * *"
description Array of environment variables to use with command execution.

NOTE: To add env_vars to a check, use sensuctl create.

required false
type Array
  "env_vars": [

description Array of Sensu event handlers (names) to use for events created by the check. Each array item must be a string.

NOTE: The names of Sumo Logic metrics handlers and TCP stream handlers are not valid values for the handlers array. Only traditional handlers are valid for the handlers array.

To use Sumo Logic metrics or TCP stream handlers, include them in a pipeline workflow and reference the pipeline name in the check pipelines array.

required false
type Array
- pagerduty
- slack
  "handlers": [

description Flap detection high threshold (% state change) for the check. Sensu uses the same flap detection algorithm as Nagios. Read the event reference to learn more about how Sensu uses the high_flap_threshold value.
required true (if low_flap_threshold is configured)
type Integer
high_flap_threshold: 60
  "high_flap_threshold": 60
description How often the check is executed. In seconds.
required true (unless cron is configured)
type Integer
interval: 60
  "interval": 60

description Flap detection low threshold (% state change) for the check. Sensu uses the same flap detection algorithm as Nagios. Read the event reference to learn more about how Sensu uses the low_flap_threshold value.
required false
type Integer
low_flap_threshold: 20
  "low_flap_threshold": 20

description Metric format generated by the check command. Sensu supports the following metric formats:
nagios_perfdata (Nagios Performance Data)
graphite_plaintext (Graphite Plaintext Protocol)
influxdb_line (InfluxDB Line Protocol)
opentsdb_line (OpenTSDB Data Specification)
prometheus_text (Prometheus Exposition Text)

When a check includes an output_metric_format, Sensu will extract the metrics from the check output and add them to the event data in Sensu metric format. Read Collect metrics with Sensu checks.
required false
type String
- nagios_perfdata
  "output_metric_format": [

description Array of Sensu handlers to use for events created by the check. Each array item must be a string. Use output_metric_handlers in place of the handlers attribute if output_metric_format is configured. Metric handlers must be able to process Sensu metric format. The Sensu InfluxDB handler provides an example.
required false
type Array
- influx-db
  "output_metric_handlers": [

description Custom tags to enrich metric points produced by check output metric extraction. One name/value pair make up a single tag. The output_metric_tags array can contain multiple tags.

You can use check token substitution for the value attribute in output metric tags.
required false
type Array
- name: instance
  value: "{{ .name }}"
- name: region
  value: "{{ .labels.region }}"
  "output_metric_tags": [
      "name": "instance",
      "value": "{{ .name }}"
      "name": "region",
      "value": "{{ .labels.region }}"

description Array of metric names and threshold values to compare to check output metrics for metric threshold evaluation.

NOTE: To apply metric threshold evaluation, check definitions must include the output_metric_format attribute with a value that specifies one of Sensu’s supported output metric formats.

required false
type Array
- name: system_mem_used
  tags: ''
  null_status: 0
  - max: '75.0'
    min: ''
    status: 1
  - max: '90.0'
    min: ''
    status: 2
- name: system_host_processes
  - name: namespace
    value: production
  null_status: 0
  - max: '50'
    min: '5'
    status: 1
  - max: '75'
    min: '2'
    status: 2
  "output_metric_thresholds": [
      "name": "system_mem_used",
      "tags": null,
      "null_status": 0,
      "thresholds": [
          "max": "75.0",
          "min": "",
          "status": 1
          "max": "90.0",
          "min": "",
          "status": 2
      "name": "system_host_processes",
      "tags": [
          "name": "namespace",
          "value": "production"
      "null_status": 0,
      "thresholds": [
          "max": "50",
          "min": "5",
          "status": 1
          "max": "75",
          "min": "2",
          "status": 2

description Name, type, and API version for the pipelines to use for event processing. All the observability events that the check produces will be processed according to the pipelines listed in the pipeline array. Read pipelines attributes for more information.
required false
type Array
- type: Pipeline
  api_version: core/v2
  name: incident_alerts
  "pipelines": [
      "type": "Pipeline",
      "api_version": "core/v2",
      "name": "incident_alerts"

description Entity name. Used to create a proxy entity for an external resource (for example, a network switch).
required false
type String
validated \A[\w\.\-]+\z
proxy_entity_name: switch-dc-01
  "proxy_entity_name": "switch-dc-01"

description Assigns a check to run for multiple entities according to their entity_attributes. In the example below, the check executes for all entities with entity class proxy and the custom proxy type label website. The proxy_requests attributes allow you to reuse check definitions for a group of entities. For more information, read Proxy requests attributes and Monitor external resources with proxy entities.
required false
type Hash
  - entity.entity_class == 'proxy'
  - entity.labels.proxy_type == 'website'
  splay: true
  splay_coverage: 90
  "proxy_requests": {
    "entity_attributes": [
      "entity.entity_class == 'proxy'",
      "entity.labels.proxy_type == 'website'"
    "splay": true,
    "splay_coverage": 90

description true if check requests are published for the check. Otherwise, false.
required false
type Boolean
default false
publish: true
  "publish": true

description When set to true, Sensu executes the check once per interval, cycling through each subscribing agent in turn. Read round robin checks for more information.

Use the round_robin attribute with proxy checks to avoid duplicate events and distribute proxy check executions evenly across multiple agents. Read about proxy checks for more information.

To use check ttl and round_robin together, your check configuration must also specify a proxy_entity_name. If you do not specify a proxy_entity_name when using check ttl and round_robin together, your check will stop executing.
required false
type Boolean
default false
round_robin: true
  "round_robin": true
description Array of Sensu dynamic runtime assets (names). Required at runtime for the execution of the command.
required false
type Array
- http-checks
  "runtime_assets": [

description Type of scheduler that schedules the check. Sensu automatically sets the scheduler value and overrides any user-entered values. Value may be:
  • memory for checks scheduled in-memory
  • etcd for checks scheduled with etcd leases and watchers (check attribute round_robin: true and etcd used for event storage)
  • postgres for checks scheduled with PostgreSQL using transactions and asynchronous notification (check attribute round_robin: true and PostgreSQL used for event storage with datastore attribute enable_round_robin: true)
required false
type String
scheduler: postgres
  "scheduler": "postgres"
description Array of the name/secret pairs to use with command execution.
required false
type Array
  secret: sensu-pagerduty-token
  "secrets": [
      "name": "PAGERDUTY_TOKEN",
      "secret": "sensu-pagerduty-token"
description Silences that apply to the check.
type Array
- "*:routers"
  "silenced": [
description true if the Sensu agent writes JSON serialized Sensu entity and check data to the command process’ stdin. The command must expect the JSON data via stdin, read it, and close stdin. Otherwise, false. This attribute cannot be used with existing Sensu check plugins or Nagios plugins because the Sensu agent will wait indefinitely for the check process to read and close stdin.
required false
type Boolean
default false
stdin: true
  "stdin": true
subdue (placeholder)
description Use the subdues attribute to stop check execution during specific periods. This subdue attribute appears in check definitions by default, but it is a placeholder and should not be modified.
subdue: null
  "subdue": null

description Specific periods of time when Sensu should not send alerts based on the events the check produces. Use to schedule alert-free periods of time, such as during sleeping hours, weekends, or special maintenance periods. Read subdues attributes for more information.
required false
type Array
  - begin: "2022-04-18T17:00:00-07:00"
    end: "2022-04-19T08:00:00-07:00"
    - weekdays
  - begin: "2022-04-23T00:00:00-07:00"
    end: "2022-04-23T23:59:59-07:00"
    - weekends
  - begin: "2022-04-22T10:00:00-07:00"
    end: "2022-04-22T11:00:00-07:00"
    - fridays
  "subdues": [
      "begin": "2022-04-18T17:00:00-07:00",
      "end": "2022-04-19T08:00:00-07:00",
      "repeat": [
      "begin": "2022-04-23T00:00:00-07:00",
      "end": "2022-04-23T23:59:59-07:00",
      "repeat": [
      "begin": "2022-04-22T10:00:00-07:00",
      "end": "2022-04-22T11:00:00-07:00",
      "repeat": [

description Array of Sensu entity subscriptions that check requests will be sent to. The array cannot be empty and its items must each be a string.
required true
type Array
- system
  "subscriptions": [
description Check execution duration timeout (hard stop). In seconds.
required false
type Integer
timeout: 30
  "timeout": 30

description The time-to-live (TTL) until check results are considered stale. In seconds. If an agent stops publishing results for the check and the TTL expires, an event will be created for the agent’s entity.

The check ttl must be greater than the check interval and should allow enough time for the check execution and result processing to complete. For example, for a check that has an interval of 60 (seconds) and a timeout of 30 (seconds), the appropriate ttl is at least 90 (seconds).

To use check ttl and round_robin together, your check configuration must also specify a proxy_entity_name. If you do not specify a proxy_entity_name when using check ttl and round_robin together, your check will stop executing.

NOTE: Adding TTLs to checks adds overhead, so use the ttl attribute sparingly.

required false
type Integer
ttl: 100
  "ttl": 100

Check output truncation attributes

description Maximum size of stored check outputs. In bytes. When set to a non-zero value, the Sensu backend truncates check outputs larger than this value before storing to etcd. max_output_size does not affect data sent to Sensu filters, mutators, and handlers.

As of Sensu Go 6.8.2, when check output is truncated due to the max_output_size configuration, the events the check produces will include a label.
required false
type Integer
max_output_size: 1024
  "max_output_size": 1024
description If true, discard check output after extracting metrics. No check output will be sent to the Sensu backend. Otherwise, false.
required false
type Boolean
discard_output: true
  "discard_output": true

output_metric_tags attributes

description Name for the output metric tag.
required true
type String
name: instance
  "name": "instance"
description Value for the output metric tag. Use check token substitution syntax for the value attribute, with dot-notation access to any event attribute.
required true
type String
value: {{ .name }}
  "value": "{{ .name }}"

output_metric_thresholds attributes

description Name of the metric to use for metric threshold evaluation. Must match the event.metrics.points[].name value for a metric point in the check results.

NOTE: To produce values for the output metrics you specify, the check definition must include a valid output_metric_format.

required true
type String
name: system_host_processes
  "name": "system_host_processes"
description Event check status to use if a metric specified for metric threshold evaluation is missing from the event data.

NOTE: Sensu only overrides the event check status if it is less than the specified null_status value.

required false
type Integer
default 0
null_status: 0
  "null_status": 0
description Tags of the metric to use for metric threshold evaluation. If provided, must match the event.metrics.points[].tags name and value for a metric point in the check results. Read tags attributes for more information.
required false
type Array
- name: namespace
  value: production
  "tags": [
      "name": "namespace",
      "value": "production"
description Rules to apply for metric threshold evaluation. Read thresholds attributes for more information.
required true
type Array
- max: '50'
  min: '5'
  status: 1
- max: '75'
  min: '2'
  status: 2
  "thresholds": [
      "max": "50",
      "min": "5",
      "status": 1
      "max": "75",
      "min": "2",
      "status": 2

Pipelines attributes

description The Sensu API group and version for the pipeline. For pipelines in this version of Sensu, the api_version should always be core/v2.
required true
type String
default null
api_version: core/v2
  "api_version": "core/v2"
description Name of the Sensu pipeline for the check to use.
required true
type String
default null
name: incident_alerts
  "name": "incident_alerts"
description The sensuctl create resource type for the pipeline. Pipelines should always be type Pipeline.
required true
type String
default null
type: Pipeline
 "type": "Pipeline"

Proxy requests attributes

description Sensu entity attributes to match entities in the registry using Sensu query expressions.
required false
type Array
- entity.entity_class == 'proxy'
- entity.labels.proxy_type == 'website'
  "entity_attributes": [
    "entity.entity_class == 'proxy'",
    "entity.labels.proxy_type == 'website'"

description true if proxy check requests should be splayed, published evenly over a window of time, determined by the check interval and a configurable splay_coverage percentage. Otherwise, false.
required false
type Boolean
default false
splay: true
  "splay": true

description Percentage of the check interval over which Sensu can execute the check for all applicable entities, as defined in the entity attributes. Sensu uses the splay_coverage attribute to determine the period of time to publish check requests over, before the next check interval begins.

For example, if a check’s interval is 60 seconds and splay_coverage is 90, Sensu will distribute its proxy check requests evenly over a time window of 54 seconds (60 seconds * 90%). This leaves 6 seconds after the last proxy check execution before the the next round of proxy check requests for the same check.
required true if splay attribute is set to true (otherwise, false)
type Integer
splay_coverage: 90
  "splay_coverage": 90

secrets attributes

description Name of the secret defined in the executable command. Becomes the environment variable presented to the check. Read Use secrets management in Sensu for more information.
required true
type String
  "name": "ANSIBLE_HOST"
description Name of the Sensu secret resource that defines how to retrieve the secret.
required true
type String
secret: sensu-ansible-host
  "secret": "sensu-ansible-host"

Tags attributes

description Tag name for the metric to use for metric threshold evaluation. If provided, must match the event.metrics.points[] value for a metric point in the check results.

NOTE: If provided, you must also provide the value for the same metric point tag.

required false
type String
name: namespace
  "name": "namespace"
description Tag value of the metric to use for metric threshold evaluation. If provided, must match the event.metrics.points[].tags.value value for a metric point in the check results.

NOTE: If provided, you must also provide the name for the same metric point tag.

required false
type String
value: production
  "value": "production"

Thresholds attributes

description Maximum threshold for the metric for metric threshold evaluation. You must provide a thresholds max value if you do not provide a min value.
required false (if a thresholds min value is provided)
type String
max: '75'
  "max": "75"
description Minimum threshold for the metric for metric threshold evaluation. You must provide a thresholds min value if you do not provide a max value.
required false (if a thresholds max value is provided)
type String
min: '2'
  "min": "2"
description Event check status to use if the check’s output metric value is equal to or greater than the specified max threshold or equal to or less than the specified min threshold in metric threshold evaluation.

NOTE: Sensu only overrides the event check status if it is less than the specified threshold status value.

You can specify any status value, but event annotations based on threshold status will display unknown if the status does not equal 0, 1, or 2.
required true
type Integer
status: 2
  "status": 2

subdues attributes

description Date and time at which the subdue should begin. In RFC 3339 format with numeric zone offset (2022-01-01T07:30:00-07:00 or 2022-01-01T14:30:00Z).
required true
type String
begin: "2022-04-18T17:00:00-07:00"
  "begin": "2022-04-18T17:00:00-07:00"
description Date and time at which the subdue should end. In RFC 3339 format with numeric zone offset (2022-01-01T07:30:00-07:00 or 2022-01-01T14:30:00Z).
required true
type String
end: "2022-04-19T08:00:00-07:00"
  "end": "2022-04-19T08:00:00-07:00"
description Interval at which the subdue should repeat. weekdays includes Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. weekends includes Saturdays and Sundays. Read Subdues and repeat for more information.

NOTE: Check subdue repeats are based on the specified begin and end times and not duration or the difference between the begin and end times.

required false
type Array
allowed values mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays, fridays, saturdays, sundays, weekdays, weekends, daily, weekly, monthly, annually
- weekdays
  "repeat": [

Metric check example

The following example shows the resource definition for a check that collects metrics in Nagios Performance Data format:

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
    slack-channel: '#monitoring'
    region: us-west-1
  name: collect-metrics
  check_hooks: null
  discard_output: true
  env_vars: null
  handlers: []
  high_flap_threshold: 0
  interval: 10
  low_flap_threshold: 0
  output_metric_format: prometheus_text
  - name: instance
    value: '{{ .name }}'
  - name: namespace
    value: '{{ .namespace }}'
  - name: service
    value: '{{ .labels.service }}'
    - name: system_mem_used
      tags: null
      null_status: 1
      - max: "75.0"
        min: ""
        status: 1
      - max: "90.0"
        min: ""
        status: 2
    - name: system_host_processes
      - name: namespace
        value: production
      null_status: 1
      - max: "50"
        min: "5"
        status: 1
      - max: "75"
        min: "2"
        status: 2
  - type: Pipeline
    api_version: core/v2
    name: prometheus_gateway_workflows
  proxy_entity_name: ""
  publish: true
  round_robin: false
  runtime_assets: null
  stdin: false
  - system
  timeout: 0
  ttl: 0
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "annotations": {
      "slack-channel": "#monitoring"
    "labels": {
      "region": "us-west-1"
    "name": "collect-metrics"
  "spec": {
    "check_hooks": null,
    "command": "",
    "discard_output": true,
    "env_vars": null,
    "handlers": [],
    "high_flap_threshold": 0,
    "interval": 10,
    "low_flap_threshold": 0,
    "output_metric_format": "prometheus_text",
    "output_metric_tags": [
        "name": "instance",
        "value": "{{ .name }}"
        "name": "namespace",
        "value": "{{ .namespace }}"
        "name": "service",
        "value": "{{ .labels.service }}"
    "output_metric_thresholds": [
        "name": "system_mem_used",
        "tags": null,
        "null_status": 1,
        "thresholds": [
            "max": "75.0",
            "min": "",
            "status": 1
            "max": "90.0",
            "min": "",
            "status": 2
        "name": "system_host_processes",
        "tags": [
            "name": "namespace",
            "value": "production"
        "null_status": 1,
        "thresholds": [
            "max": "50",
            "min": "5",
            "status": 1
            "max": "75",
            "min": "2",
            "status": 2
    "pipelines": [
        "type": "Pipeline",
        "api_version": "core/v2",
        "name": "prometheus_gateway_workflows"
    "proxy_entity_name": "",
    "publish": true,
    "round_robin": false,
    "runtime_assets": null,
    "stdin": false,
    "subscriptions": [
    "timeout": 0,
    "ttl": 0

Check example that uses secrets management

The check in the following example uses secrets management to keep a GitHub token private. Learn more about secrets management for your Sensu configuration in the secrets and secrets providers references.

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: ping-github-api
  check_hooks: null
  command: $GITHUB_TOKEN
  - name: GITHUB_TOKEN
    secret: github-token-vault
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "ping-github-api"
  "spec": {
    "check_hooks": null,
    "command": " $GITHUB_TOKEN",
    "secrets": [
        "name": "GITHUB_TOKEN",
        "secret": "github-token-vault"

Check example with a PowerShell script command

If you use a PowerShell script in your check command, make sure to include the -f flag in the command. The -f flag ensures that the proper exit code is passed into Sensu. For example:

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: interval_test
  command: powershell.exe -f c:\\users\\tester\\test.ps1
  - system
  interval: 60
  - type: Pipeline
    api_version: core/v2
    name: interval_pipeline
  publish: true
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "interval_test"
  "spec": {
    "command": "powershell.exe -f c:\\\\users\\ ester\\ est.ps1",
    "subscriptions": [
    "interval": 60,
    "pipelines": [
        "type": "Pipeline",
        "api_version": "core/v2",
        "name": "interval_pipeline"
    "publish": true

The dynamic runtime asset reference includes an example check definition that uses the asset path to correctly capture exit status codes from PowerShell plugins distributed as dynamic runtime assets.