Web UI configuration reference

COMMERCIAL FEATURE: Access web UI configuration in the packaged Sensu Go distribution. For more information, read Get started with commercial features.

Web UI configuration allows you to define certain display options for the Sensu web UI, such as which web UI theme to use, the number of items to list on each page, and which URLs and linked images to expand. You can define a single custom web UI configuration to federate to all, some, or only one of your clusters.

NOTE: Each cluster should have only one web configuration.

Web UI configuration example

In this web UI configuration example:

  • Users will receive a customized sign-in message that is formatted with Markdown
  • Details for the local cluster will not be displayed
  • Each page will list 50 items (except the checks page, which will list 100 items)
  • The web UI will use the classic theme
  • The entities page will list only entities with the proxy subscription, in ascending order based on last_seen value
  • The checks page will list checks alphabetically by name
  • The web UI will begin to display the license expiration banner 45 days before the organization license expires
  • Expanded links and images will be allowed for the listed URLs
  • YAML will be the default format for resource definitions in the web UI
type: GlobalConfig
api_version: web/v1
  name: custom-web-ui
  signin_message: with your *LDAP or system credentials*
  always_show_local_cluster: false
    disabled: false
    url: "https://catalog.sensu.io"
    release_version: "1.0"
    poll_interval: 120000
    page_size: 50
    serialization_format: YAML
    theme: classic
  - page: entities
    page_size: 50
    order: LASTSEEN
    selector: proxy in entity.subscriptions
  - page: checks
    page_size: 100
    order: NAME
  license_expiry_reminder: 1080h0m0s
    allow_list: true
    - https://example.com
    - steamapp://34234234
    - "//google.com"
    - "//*.google.com"
    - "//bob.local"
    - https://grafana-host/render/metrics?width=500&height=250#sensu.io.graphic
  "type": "GlobalConfig",
  "api_version": "web/v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "custom-web-ui"
  "spec": {
    "signin_message": "with your *LDAP or system credentials*",
    "always_show_local_cluster": false,
    "catalog": {
      "disabled": false,
      "url": "https://catalog.sensu.io",
      "release_version": "1.0"
    "default_preferences": {
      "poll_interval": 120000,
      "page_size": 50,
      "serialization_format": "YAML",
      "theme": "classic"
    "page_preferences": [
        "page": "entities",
        "page_size": 50,
        "order": "LASTSEEN",
        "selector": "proxy in entity.subscriptions"
        "page": "checks",
        "page_size": 100,
        "order": "NAME"
    "license_expiry_reminder": "1080h0m0s",
    "link_policy": {
      "allow_list": true,
      "urls": [

Page preferences order values

Available values for the order attribute in page_preferences vary depending on the page.

Page Order value and description
events ENTITY: List events by the entities that created them, in ascending order by entity name

ENTITY_DESC: List events by the entities that created them, in descending order by entity name

LASTOK: List events by their last OK status, starting with the most recent

NEWEST: List events by their timestamps, starting with the most recent

OLDEST: List events by their timestamps, starting with the oldest

SEVERITY: List events by their status, starting with the most severe
entities ID: List entities by their IDs, in ascending order

ID_DESC: List entities by their IDs, in descending order

LASTSEEN: List entities by their last_seen timestamp, starting with the most recent
silences ID: List silences by their IDs, in ascending order

ID_DESC: List silences by their IDs, in descending order

BEGIN: List silences by the time they begin, starting with the silence that begins soonest

BEGIN_DESC: List silences by the time they begin, ending with the silence that begins first
checks NAME: List checks by name, in alphabetical order

NAME_DESC: List checks by name, in reverse alphabetical order
event-filters NAME: List event filters by name, in alphabetical order

NAME_DESC: List event filters by name, in reverse alphabetical order
handlers NAME: List handlers by name, in alphabetical order

NAME_DESC: List handlers by name, in reverse alphabetical order
mutators NAME: List mutators by name, in alphabetical order

NAME_DESC: List mutators by name, in reverse alphabetical order

Web UI configuration specification

Top-level attributes

description Top-level attribute that specifies the Sensu API group and version. For web UI configuration in this version of Sensu, the api_version should always be web/v1.
required Required for web UI configuration in wrapped-json or yaml format.
type String
api_version: web/v1
  "api_version": "web/v1"
description Top-level scope that contains the web UI configuration’s name and created_by information.
required true
type Map of key-value pairs
  name: custom-web-ui
  created_by: admin
  "metadata": {
    "name": "custom-web-ui",
    "created_by": "admin"
description Top-level map that includes web UI configuration spec attributes.
required Required for web UI configuration in wrapped-json or yaml format.
type Map of key-value pairs
  signin_message: with your *LDAP or system credentials*
  always_show_local_cluster: false
    disabled: false
    url: "https://catalog.sensu.io"
    release_version: "1.0"
    poll_interval: 120000
    page_size: 50
    serialization_format: YAML
    theme: classic
    - page: entities
      page_size: 50
      order: LASTSEEN
      selector: proxy in entity.subscriptions
    - page: checks
      page_size: 100
      order: NAME
  license_expiry_reminder: 1080h0m0s
    allow_list: true
    - https://example.com
    - steamapp://34234234
    - "//google.com"
    - "//*.google.com"
    - "//bob.local"
    - https://grafana-host/render/metrics?width=500&height=250#sensu.io.graphic
  "spec": {
    "signin_message": "with your *LDAP or system credentials*",
    "always_show_local_cluster": false,
    "catalog": {
      "disabled": false,
      "url": "https://catalog.sensu.io",
      "release_version": "1.0"
    "default_preferences": {
      "poll_interval": 120000,
      "page_size": 50,
      "serialization_format": "YAML",
      "theme": "classic"
    "page_preferences": [
        "page": "entities",
        "page_size": 50,
        "order": "LASTSEEN",
        "selector": "proxy in entity.subscriptions"
        "page": "checks",
        "page_size": 100,
        "order": "NAME"
    "license_expiry_reminder": "1080h0m0s",
    "link_policy": {
      "allow_list": true,
      "urls": [
description Top-level attribute that specifies the resource type. For web UI configuration, the type should always be GlobalConfig.
required Required for web UI configuration in wrapped-json or yaml format.
type String
type: GlobalConfig
  "type": "GlobalConfig"

Metadata attributes

description Username of the Sensu user who created or last updated the web UI configuration. Sensu automatically populates the created_by field when the web UI configuration is created or updated. The admin user, cluster admins, and any user with access to the GlobalConfig resource can create and update web UI configurations.
required false
type String
created_by: admin
  "created_by": "admin"
description Name for the web UI configuration that is used internally by Sensu.
required true
type String
name: custom-web-ui
  "name": "custom-web-ui"

Spec attributes

description Use only in federated environments. Set to true to display the cluster the user is currently connected to in the namespace switcher. To omit local cluster details, set to false.
required false
type Boolean
default false
always_show_local_cluster: false
  "always_show_local_cluster": false

description Sensu Catalog configuration preferences. Read Catalog attributes for more information.
required false
type Map of key-value pairs
  disabled: false
  url: "https://catalog.sensu.io"
  release_version: "1.0"
  "catalog": {
    "disabled": false,
    "url": "https://catalog.sensu.io",
    "release_version": "1.0"
description Global default preferences page size and theme preferences for all users.
required false
type Map of key-value pairs
  poll_interval: 120000
  page_size: 50
  theme: classic
  "default_preferences": {
    "poll_interval": 120000,
    "page_size": 50,
    "theme": "classic"

description Number of days before license expiration to begin displaying the license expiration banner in the web UI. The value must be a valid duration, such as 1080h, 14400m, or 24h59m59s.

NOTE: By default, the web UI displays the banner starting 30 days before license expiration.

required false
type String
license_expiry_reminder: 1080h0m0s
  "license_expiry_reminder": "1080h0m0s"
description For labels or annotations that contain a URL, the policy for which domains are valid and invalid targets for conversion to a link or an image.
required false
type Map of key-value pairs
  allow_list: true
  - https://example.com
  - steamapp://34234234
  - "//google.com"
  - "//*.google.com"
  - "//bob.local"
  - https://grafana-host/render/metrics?width=500&height=250#sensu.io.graphic
  "link_policy": {
    "allow_list": true,
    "urls": [

description Page-specific preferences for page size, order, and selector for all users. Any page preferences will override default preferences for the specified page.
required false
type Array
  - page: entities
    page_size: 50
    order: LASTSEEN
    selector: proxy in entity.subscriptions
  - page: checks
    page_size: 100
    order: NAME
  "page_preferences": [
      "page": "entities",
      "page_size": 50,
      "order": "LASTSEEN",
      "selector": "proxy in entity.subscriptions"
      "page": "checks",
      "page_size": 100,
      "order": "NAME"

description Custom message to display on the web UI sign-in modal. Accepts Markdown formatting.
required false
type String
default with your credentials
signin_message: with your *LDAP or system credentials*
  "signin_message": "with your *LDAP or system credentials*"

Catalog attributes

description Set to true to disable the Sensu Catalog in the web UI. Otherwise, false.
required false
type Boolean
disabled: false
  "disabled": false
description Release version to use for generating a private catalog with the Sensu Catalog API.
required false
type String
release_version: version
  "release_version": "version"
description Base URL where Sensu Catalog API output is served for a private catalog. Sensu presents the content published to this URL endpoint in place of the official Sensu Catalog in the web UI.
required false
type String
url: "https://catalog.sensu.io"
  "url": "https://catalog.sensu.io"

Default preferences attributes

description The number of items to list on each page.
required false
type Integer
default 25
page_size: 25
  "page_size": 25
description The frequency at which web UI pages will poll for new data from the Sensu backend. In milliseconds.

Useful for increasing the polling interval duration if web UI sessions are causing heavy load. If you set the poll interval, all web UI views will use the poll interval value instead of their individual polling defaults.

NOTE: If an individual user’s settings conflict with the web UI configuration settings, Sensu will use the individual user’s settings.

type Integer
default 10000 when page is visible. 300000 when page is not visible.
poll_interval: 120000
  "poll_interval": 120000

description Default format for resource definitions in the web UI.
required false
type String
default YAML
allowed values JSON, YAML
serialization_format: YAML
  "serialization_format": "YAML"
description The theme used in the web UI.

NOTE: If an individual user’s settings conflict with the web UI configuration settings, Sensu will use the individual user’s settings. For example, if a user’s system is set to dark mode and their web UI settings are configured to use their system settings, the web UI will use dark mode for that user, even if you set the theme to classic in your web UI configuration.

required false
type String
default sensu
allowed values sensu, classic, uchiwa, tritanopia, deuteranopia
theme: classic
  "theme": "classic"

Page preferences attributes

description The order in which to list items on the specified page. Read Page preferences order values to learn more.
required false
type String
  "order": "LASTSEEN"
description The page to which the page preference settings apply.
required true
type String
allowed values events, entities, silences, checks, event-filters, handlers, mutators
page: events
  "page": "events"
description The number of items to list for the specified page.
required false
type Integer
page_size: 100
  "page_size": 100
description The search expression to apply to the specified page.

NOTE: The selector page preference is not available for the events page.

required false
type String
selector: proxy in entity.subscriptions
  "selector": "proxy in entity.subscriptions"
description If the list of URLs acts as an allow list, true. If the list of URLs acts as a deny list, false. As an allow list, only matching URLs will be expanded. As a deny list, matching URLs will not be expanded, but any other URLs will be expanded.
required false
type Boolean
default false
allow_list: true
  "allow_list": true
description The list of URLs to use as an allow or deny list.

NOTE: For images from services that may not have an easily distinguishable file extension, append the anchor #sensu.io.graphic to the image URLs.

required false
type Array
- https://example.com
- steamapp://34234234
- "//google.com"
- "//*.google.com"
- "//bob.local"
- https://grafana-host/render/metrics?width=500&height=250#sensu.io.graphic
  "urls": [