
Configuration Load Order

Uchiwa loads configuration from these sources in the following order:

  1. Uchiwa loads configuration from the configuration file (by default, this is located at /etc/sensu/uchiwa.json which is provided with the -c command line argument).
  2. Uchiwa loads configuration snippets from configuration files located in one or multiple Uchiwa configuration directories (by default, this is the /etc/sensu/dashboard.d/ directory which is provided with the -d command line argument).

Minimal Configuration

  "sensu": [
      "name": "Site 1",
      "host": "",
      "port": 4567
  "uchiwa": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 3000

Datacenters Configuration (Sensu)

The sensu array contains a hash for every Sensu API, represented as datacenters in Uchiwa.

Each hash can contain the following attributes:

  "sensu": [
      "name": "API Name",
      "host": "",
      "port": 443,
      "ssl": true,
      "insecure": true,
      "path": "/site2",
      "timeout": 5,
      "user": "admin",
      "pass": "secret"

Key Required Type Description
name false string Name of the Sensu API (used as datacenter name). If empty, a random one will be generated.
host true string Hostname or IP address of the Sensu API.
port false integer Port of the Sensu API. The default value is 4567.
ssl false boolean Determines whether or not to use the HTTPS protocol. The default value is false.
insecure false boolean Determines whether or not to accept an insecure SSL certificate. The default value is false.
path false string Path of the Sensu API.
timeout false integer Timeout for the Sensu API, in seconds. The default value is 5.
user false string Username of the Sensu API.
pass false string Password of the Sensu API.

Uchiwa Configuration

The uchiwa hash can contain the following attributes:

  "uchiwa": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 3000,
    "loglevel": "info",
    "refresh": 10,
    "user": "admin",
    "pass": "secret",
    "users": {"...":"..."},
    "auth": {"...":"..."},
    "ssl": {"...":"..."},
    "usersOptions": {"...":"..."}
Key Required Type Description
host false string Address on which Uchiwa will listen. The default value is To use an IPv6 address, use square brackets (e.g. [::1])
port false integer Port on which Uchiwa will listen. The default value is 3000.
loglevel false string Level of logging to show after Uchiwa has started. The default value is info. Allowed values are trace, debug, info, warn, fatal
refresh false integer Determines the interval to pull the Sensu APIs, in seconds. The default value is 10.
user false string Username of the Uchiwa dashboard. Remove to disable authentication.
pass false string Password of the Uchiwa dashboard. Remove to disable authentication.
users false hash See the Mutliple Users documentation. Has precedence over the user attribute.
auth false hash See the High Availability documentation.
ssl false hash See the HTTPS Encryption documentation.
usersOptions false hash See the Users Options documentation.

Multiple Users

You can define multiple users, including read-only users, within your users attribute. The users attribute has precedence over the user attribute.

  "uchiwa": {
    "users": [
        "username" : "admin",
        "password": "secret",
        "accessToken": "vFzX6rFDAn3G9ieuZ4ZhN-XrfdRow4Hd5CXXOUZ5NsTw4h3k3l4jAw__",
        "readonly": false
        "username" : "guest",
        "password": "secret",
        "accessToken": "hrKMW3uIt2RGxuMIoXQ-bVp-TL1MP4St5Hap3KAanMxI3OovFV48ww__",
        "readonly": true
Key Required Type Description
username true string Username of the user.
password true string Password of the user. Also see the Encrypted Passwords documentation].
accessToken false string A unique and secure token to interact with the Uchiwa API as the related user. Remember to keep your access tokens secret. Must only contain friendly URL characters. See Generating an access token and API Authentication].
readonly false boolean Restrict write access to the dashboard (create stashes, delete clients, etc.). The default value is false.

Users Options

This hash can set various global users options.

  "uchiwa": {
    "usersOptions": {
      "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
      "defaultTheme": "uchiwa-default",
      "disableNoExpiration": false,
      "favicon": "",
      "logoURL": "",
      "requireSilencingReason": false,
      "silenceDurations": [ 0.5, 2 ]
Key Required Type Description
dateFormat false string Determines the format of dates displayed. Default value is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss. See for possible values.
defaultTheme false string Determines the default theme to use for new users. Can be overridden at the user level in settings view. Possible values are uchiwa-default (light theme) and uchiwa-dark (dark theme). The default value is uchiwa-default.
disableNoExpiration false boolean Disables the only if manually removed option from the silencing entry creation. The default value is false.
favicon false string URL or full path to a custom favicon. Leave empty to use the default favicon.
logoURL false string URL to a custom logo. Leave empty to use the default logo.
requireSilencingReason false boolean Determines whether a reason must be provided or not when creating a silence entry. The default value is false.
silenceDurations false array of decimals Additional preset durations (in hours) when silencing an item. Decimal values are allowed. The default value is [ 0.25, 1, 24 ], which corresponds to 15 minutes, an hour and a day.

Generating an access token

An access token must only contain friendly URL characters. We recommend using the following command to create a proper token:

openssl rand -base64 40 |  tr -- '+=/' '-_~'