

How do I disable Uchiwa built-in authentication?

In order to remove Uchiwa authentication, you simply need to remove or leave empty the user, pass and users attributes from the Uchiwa Configurationon your configuration file.


My standalone check does not appear in the checks view

Uchiwa uses the /checks Sensu API endpoint to build the checks list. This endpoint only provides the checks that are defined and known by the Sensu server itself, therefore standalone checks that are only defined on some particular clients can’t be shown. They will, however, appear in the client view since they are part of the client history.

Why can’t I see the details of a standalone check?

Unless an event is created for this particular check, the details of a standalone check, such as the command executed, are not available. See the previous question for more details.


I see the error message 401 Unauthorized

If you configured a user/pass authentication on your Sensu API, you need to add these details to your Uchiwa configuration by adding the user and pass attributes in the proper datacenter object within the sensu array, as shown on the Datacenters Configuration.

I see the error message x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

By default, Uchiwa will refuse to make any connection to an API with an invalid SSL certificate, therefore it needs to be explicitly allowed. See the insecure attribute in the Datacenters Configuration.


Which platforms are supported by Uchiwa?

Uchiwa binaries are compiled for linux, on 386 and amd64 architectures, and packaged into DEB and RPM packages. If you wish to compile the binary for an another operating system and compilation architecture, refer yourself to the Installation documentation.