Agent reference

Example Sensu agent configuration file (download)

The Sensu agent is a lightweight client that runs on the infrastructure components you want to monitor. Agents register with the Sensu backend as entities with type: "agent". Agent entities are responsible for creating check and metrics events to send to the backend event pipeline.

The Sensu agent is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. For Windows operating systems, the Sensu agent uses cmd.exe for the execution environment. For all other operating systems, the Sensu agent uses the Bourne shell (sh).

Read the installation guide to install the agent.

Agent authentication

The Sensu agent authenticates to the Sensu backend via WebSocket transport by either built-in basic authentication (username and password) or mutual transport layer security (mTLS) authentication.

Username and password authentication

The default mechanism for agent authentication is built-in basic authentication with username and password. The Sensu agent uses username and password authentication unless mTLS authentication has been explicitly configured.

For username and password authentication, sensu-agent joins the username and password with a colon and encodes them as a Base64 value. Sensu provides the encoded string as the value of the Authorization HTTP header — for example, Authorization: Basic YWdlbnQ6UEBzc3cwcmQh — to authenticate to the Sensu backend.

When using username and password authentication, sensu-agent also sends the following HTTP headers in requests to the backend:

  • Sensu-User: the username in plaintext
  • Sensu-AgentName: the agent’s configured name in plaintext
  • Sensu-Subscriptions: the agent’s subscriptions in a comma-separated plaintext list
  • Sensu-Namespace: the agent’s configured namespace in plaintext

mTLS authentication

When mTLS is configured for both the Sensu agent and backend, the agent uses mTLS authentication instead of the default username and password authentication.

Sensu backends that are configured for mTLS authentication will no longer accept agent authentication via username and password. Agents that are configured to use mTLS authentication cannot authenticate with the backend unless the backend is configured for mTLS.

To configure the agent and backend for mTLS authentication:

  • In the backend configuration, specify valid certificate and key files as values for the agent-auth-cert-file and agent-auth-key-file parameters (e.g. backend-1.pem and backend-1-key.pem, respectively).
  • In the agent configuration, specify valid certificate and key files as values for the cert-file and key-file parameters (e.g. agent.pem and agent-key.pem, respectively).

NOTE: For detailed information about the certificates and keys required for mTLS authentication, read Generate certificates for your Sensu installation. For information about using the certificates and keys to secure your configuration, read Secure Sensu.

The agent and backend will compare the provided certificates with the trusted CA certificate either in the system trust store or specified explicitly as the agent-auth-trusted-ca-file in the backend configuration and trusted-ca-file in the agent configuration.

When using mTLS authentication, sensu-agent sends the following HTTP headers in requests to the backend:

  • Sensu-AgentName: the agent’s configured name in plaintext
  • Sensu-Subscriptions: the agent’s subscriptions in a comma-separated, plaintext list
  • Sensu-Namespace: the agent’s configured namespace in plaintext

If the Sensu agent is configured for mTLS authentication, it will not send the Authorization HTTP header.

Certificate bundles or chains

The Sensu agent supports all types of certificate bundles (or chains) as long as the agent (or leaf) certificate is the first certificate in the bundle. This is because the Go standard library assumes that the first certificate listed in the PEM file is the leaf certificate — the certificate that the program will use to show its own identity.

If you send the leaf certificate alone instead of sending the whole bundle with the leaf certificate first, you will receive a certificate not signed by trusted authority error. You must present the whole chain to the remote so it can determine whether it trusts the presented certificate through the chain.

Certificate revocation check

The Sensu backend checks certificate revocation list (CRL) and Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) endpoints for agent mTLS, etcd client, and etcd peer connections whose remote sides present X.509 certificates that provide CRL and OCSP revocation information.

Communication between the agent and backend

The Sensu agent uses WebSocket (ws) protocol to send and receive JSON messages with the Sensu backend. For optimal network throughput, agents will attempt to negotiate the use of Protobuf serialization when communicating with a Sensu backend that supports it. This communication is via clear text by default.

Follow Secure Sensu to configure the backend and agent for WebSocket Secure (wss) encrypted communication.

NOTE: For information about agent transport status, use the /health API.

Connection failure

Although connection failure may be due to socket errors like unexpectedly closed connections and TLS handshake failures, the Sensu agent generally keeps retrying connections to each URL in the backend-url list until it is successfully connected to a backend URL or you stop the process.

When you start up a Sensu agent configured with multiple backend-url values, the agent shuffles the backend-url list and attempts to connect to the first URL in the shuffled list. If the agent cannot establish a WebSocket connection with the first URL within the number of seconds specified for the backend-handshake-timeout, the agent abandons the connection attempt and tries the next URL in the shuffled list.

When the agent establishes a WebSocket connection with a backend URL within the backend-handshake-timeout period, the agent sends a heartbeat message to the backend at the specified backend-heartbeat-interval. For every heartbeat the agent sends, the agent expects the connected backend to send a heartbeat response within the number of seconds specified for the backend-heartbeat-timeout. If the connected backend does not respond within the backend-heartbeat-timeout period, the agent closes the connection and attempts to connect to the next backend URL in the shuffled list.

The agent iterates through the shuffled backend-url list until it successfully establishes a WebSocket connection with a backend, returning to the first URL if it fails to connect with the last URL in the list.

NOTE: Sensu’s WebSocket connection heartbeat message and keepalive monitoring mechanism are different, although they have similar purposes.

The backend-heartbeat-interval and backend-heartbeat-timeout are specifically configured for the WebSocket connection heartbeat message the agent sends when it connects to a backend URL.

Keepalive monitoring is more fluid — it permits agents to reconnect any number of times within the configured timeout. As long as the agent can successfully send one event to any backend within the timeout, the keepalive logic is satisfied.

Synchronize time between agents and the backend

System clocks between agents and the backend should be synchronized to a central NTP server. If system time is out of sync, it may cause issues with keepalive, metric, and check alerts.

Agent connection to a cluster

Agents can connect to a Sensu cluster by specifying any Sensu backend URL in the cluster in the backend-url configuration option.

For more information about clustering, read Backend datastore configuration and Run a Sensu cluster.

Keepalive monitoring

Sensu keepalives are the heartbeat mechanism used to ensure that all registered agents are operational and able to reach the Sensu backend. Sensu agents publish keepalive events containing entity configuration data to the Sensu backend according to the interval specified by the keepalive-interval configuration option. All Sensu agent data provided in keepalive events is stored in the agent registry and used to add context to Sensu events and detect Sensu agents in an unhealthy state.

If a Sensu agent fails to send keepalive events over the period specified by the keepalive-critical-timeout configuration option, the Sensu backend creates a keepalive critical alert in the Sensu web UI. The keepalive-critical-timeout is set to 0 (disabled) by default to help ensure that it will not interfere with your keepalive-warning-timeout setting.

If a Sensu agent fails to send keepalive events over the period specified by the keepalive-warning-timeout configuration option, the Sensu backend creates a keepalive warning alert in the Sensu web UI. The value you specify for keepalive-warning-timeout must be lower than the value you specify for keepalive-critical-timeout.

NOTE: If you set the deregister configuration option to true, when a Sensu agent process stops, the Sensu backend will deregister the corresponding entity.

Deregistration prevents and clears alerts for failing keepalives for agent entities — the backend does not distinguish between intentional shutdown and failure. As a result, if you set deregister to true and an agent process stops for any reason, you will not receive alerts for keepalive events in the web UI.

If you want to receive alerts for failing keepalives, set the deregister configuration option to false.

You can use keepalives to identify unhealthy systems and network partitions, send notifications, trigger auto-remediation, and automatically register and deregister agent entities, among other useful actions. The agent maps keepalive-critical-timeout and keepalive-warning-timeout values to certain event check attributes, so you can also create time-based event filters to reduce alert fatigue for agent keepalive events.

NOTE: Automatic keepalive monitoring is not supported for proxy entities because they cannot run a Sensu agent. Use the core/v2/events API to send manual keepalive events for proxy entities.

Process keepalive events

Process keepalive events with a pipeline or handler.

Keepalive pipelines

Use the keepalive-pipelines configuration option to send keepalive events to any pipeline you have configured.

To specify pipelines for the keepalive-pipelines option, use the fully qualified name for pipelines (core/v2.Pipeline) plus the pipeline name (e.g. slack or store-keepalives). For example:

Command Line/etc/sensu/agent.yml
sensu-agent start --keepalive-pipelines core/v2.Pipeline.slack,core/
- core/v2.Pipeline.slack
- core/

If you do not specify a pipeline with the keepalive-pipelines option, the Sensu backend will use the default keepalive handler and create an event in sensuctl and the Sensu web UI for keepalives.

Keepalive handlers

You can use a keepalive handler to connect keepalive events to your monitoring workflows. Sensu looks for an event handler named keepalive and automatically uses it to process keepalive events.

Suppose you want to receive Slack notifications for keepalive alerts, and you already have a Slack handler set up to process events. To process keepalive events using the Slack handler, create a handler set named keepalive and add the slack handler to the handlers array. The resulting keepalive handler set configuration looks like this:

type: Handler
api_version: core/v2
  name: keepalive
  - slack
  type: set
  "type": "Handler",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata" : {
    "name": "keepalive"
  "spec": {
    "type": "set",
    "handlers": [

You can also use the keepalive-handlers configuration option to send keepalive events to any handler you have configured. If you do not specify a keepalive handler with the keepalive-handlers option, the Sensu backend will use the default keepalive handler and create an event in sensuctl and the Sensu web UI.

Create observability events using service checks

The Sensu backend coordinates check execution for you by comparing the subscriptions you specify in your checks and entities to determine which entities should receive execution requests for a given check.

Sensu uses the publish/subscribe pattern of communication, which allows automated registration and deregistration of ephemeral systems. At the core of this model are Sensu subscriptions, which you specify in checks and entities to determine which entities should receive execution requests for a given check. Subscriptions often correspond with the roles and responsibilities assigned to the entity, such as webserver or database.

Subscriptions determine which checks the agent will execute. For an agent to execute a check, at least one entity must include a subscription that matches a subscription in the check definition. Read the subscriptions reference for more information.

After receiving a check request from the Sensu backend, the agent:

  1. Applies any tokens that match attribute values in the check definition.

  2. Fetches dynamic runtime assets and stores them in its local cache.

    By default, agents cache dynamic runtime asset data at /var/cache/sensu/sensu-agent (Linux) or C:\ProgramData\sensu\cache\sensu-agent (Windows). To specify a different cache location, use the cache-dir configuration attribute.

  3. Executes the check command.

  4. Executes any hooks specified by the check based on the exit status.

  5. Creates an event that contains information about the applicable entity, check, and metric.

The Sensu backend then processes the event by applying event filters, mutators, and handlers.

Proxy entities

Proxy entities allow Sensu to monitor external resources on systems or devices where a Sensu agent cannot be installed, like a network switch.

The Sensu backend stores proxy entity definitions (unlike agent entities, which the agent stores). When the backend requests a check that includes a proxy_entity_name, the agent includes the provided entity information in the observation data in events in place of the agent entity data.

Read the entities reference and Monitor external resources for more information about monitoring proxy entities.

Create observability events using the agent API

The Sensu agent API allows external sources to send monitoring data to Sensu without requiring the external sources to know anything about Sensu’s internal implementation. The agent API listens on the address and port specified with the agent API configuration options.

The agent API supports only unsecured HTTP requests (no HTTPS). Requests for unknown endpoints will result in an HTTP 404 Not Found response.

/events (POST)

The agent API provides HTTP POST access to publish observability events to the Sensu backend via the /events endpoint.

The agent places events created via the agent API /events endpoint into a queue stored on disk. In case of a loss of connection with the backend or agent shutdown, the agent preserves queued event data. When the connection is reestablished, the agent sends the queued events to the backend.

The agent API /events endpoint uses a configurable burst limit and rate limit for relaying events to the backend. Read API configuration to configure the events-burst-limit and events-rate-limit options.

Example POST request to events endpoint

The following example submits an HTTP POST request to the agent API /events endpoint. The request creates an event for a check named check-mysql-status with the output could not connect to mysql and a status of 1 (warning). The agent responds with an HTTP 202 Accepted response to indicate that the event has been added to the queue to be sent to the backend.

In this example, the event will be processed according to an incident_alerts pipeline.

NOTE: For HTTP POST requests to the agent API /events endpoint, check-specific spec attributes are not required. If you do want to include spec attributes, list them as individual top-level attributes within the event’s check scope.

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "check": {
    "metadata": {
      "name": "check-mysql-status"
    "status": 1,
    "output": "could not connect to mysql"
  "pipelines": [
      "api_version": "core/v2",
      "type": "Pipeline",
      "name": "incident_alerts"
}' \

PRO TIP: To use the agent API /events endpoint to create proxy entities, include a proxy_entity_name attribute within the check scope.

Detect silent failures

You can use the Sensu agent API in combination with the check time-to-live (TTL) attribute to detect silent failures. This creates what’s commonly referred to as a “dead man’s switch”.

With check TTLs, Sensu can set an expectation that a Sensu agent will publish additional events for a check within the period of time specified by the TTL attribute. If a Sensu agent fails to publish an event before the check TTL expires, the Sensu backend creates an event with a status of 1 (warning) to indicate the expected event was not received. For more information about check TTLs, read the checks reference.

If you use the check TTL attribute along with the Sensu agent API to enable tasks that run outside of Sensu’s check scheduling to emit events, these events create a dead man’s switch: if the task fails for any reason, the lack of an “all clear” event from the task will notify operators of the silent failure, which might otherwise be missed. If an external source sends an event with a check TTL to the Sensu agent API, Sensu expects another event from the same external source before the TTL expires.

Here’s an example of external event input via the Sensu agent API that uses a check TTL to create a dead man’s switch for MySQL backups. Assume that a MySQL backup script runs periodically, and you expect the job to take a little less than 7 hours to complete.

  • If the job completes successfully, you want a record of it, but you don’t need to receive an alert.
  • If the job fails or continues running longer than the expected 7 hours, you do need to receive an alert.

The script can send an event that tells the Sensu backend to expect an additional event with the same name within 7 hours of the first event:

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "check": {
    "metadata": {
      "name": "mysql-backup-job"
    "status": 0,
    "output": "mysql backup initiated",
    "ttl": 25200
}' \

When the script submitted this initial event to the agent API, you recorded in the Sensu backend that your script started. You also configured the dead man’s switch by including the ttl attribute, so you’ll receive an alert if the job fails or runs for too long. Although it is possible for your script to handle errors gracefully and emit additional observability events, this approach allows you to worry less about handling every possible error case. A lack of additional events before the 7-hour period elapses results in an alert.

If your backup script runs successfully, it can send an additional event without the TTL attribute, which removes the dead man’s switch:

curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "check": {
    "metadata": {
      "name": "mysql-backup-job"
    "status": 0,
    "output": "mysql backup ran successfully!"
}' \

Omitting the TTL attribute from this event also removes the dead man’s switch being monitored by the Sensu backend. This effectively sounds the “all clear” for this iteration of the task.

API specification

/events (POST)
description Accepts JSON event data and passes the event to the Sensu backend event pipeline for processing.
example url http://hostname:3031/events
payload example
  "check": {
    "metadata": {
      "name": "check-mysql-status"
    "status": 1,
    "output": "could not connect to mysql"
payload attributes
  • check: All check data must be within the check scope
  • metadata: The check scope must contain a metadata scope
  • name: The metadata scope must contain the name attribute with a string that represents the name of the monitoring check
response codes
  • Success: 202 (Accepted)
  • Malformed: 400 (Bad Request)
  • Error: 500 (Internal Server Error)

/healthz (GET)

The agent API /healthz endpoint provides HTTP GET access to the status of the Sensu agent via the agent API.


In the following example, an HTTP GET request is submitted to the agent API /healthz endpoint:


The request results in a healthy response:


API specification

/healthz (GET)
description Returns the agent status:
- ok if the agent is active and connected to a Sensu backend.
- sensu backend unavailable if the agent cannot connect to a backend.
example url http://hostname:3031/healthz

Create observability events using the StatsD listener

Sensu agents include a listener to send StatsD metrics to the event pipeline. By default, Sensu agents listen on UDP socket 8125 for messages that follow the StatsD line protocol and send metric events for handling by the Sensu backend.

For example, you can use the Netcat utility to send metrics to the StatsD listener:

echo 'abc.def.g:10|c' | nc -w1 -u localhost 8125

Sensu does not store metrics received through the StatsD listener, so it’s important to configure event handlers.

StatsD line protocol

The Sensu StatsD listener accepts messages that are formatted according to the StatsD line protocol:


For more information about StatsD, read the StatsD documentation.

Configure the StatsD listener

To configure the StatsD listener, specify the statsd-event-handlers configuration option in the agent configuration and start the agent. For example, to start an agent that sends StatsD metrics to InfluxDB, run:

sensu-agent --statsd-event-handlers influx-db

Use the StatsD configuration options to change the default settings for the StatsD listener address, port, and flush interval. For example, to start an agent with a customized address and flush interval, run:

sensu-agent --statsd-event-handlers influx-db --statsd-flush-interval 1 --statsd-metrics-host --statsd-metrics-port 8125

Create observability events using the agent TCP and UDP sockets

NOTE: The agent TCP and UDP sockets are deprecated in favor of the agent API.

Sensu agents listen for external monitoring data using TCP and UDP sockets. The agent sockets accept JSON event data and pass events to the Sensu backend event pipeline for processing. The TCP and UDP sockets listen on the address and port specified by the socket configuration options.

Use the TCP socket

This example demonstrates external monitoring data input via the Sensu agent TCP socket. The example uses Bash’s built-in /dev/tcp file to communicate with the Sensu agent socket:

echo '{"name": "check-mysql-status", "status": 1, "output": "error!"}' > /dev/tcp/localhost/3030

You can also use the Netcat utility to send monitoring data to the agent socket:

echo '{"name": "check-mysql-status", "status": 1, "output": "error!"}' | nc localhost 3030

Use the UDP socket

This example demonstrates external monitoring data input via the Sensu agent UDP socket. The example uses Bash’s built-in /dev/udp file to communicate with the Sensu agent socket:

echo '{"name": "check-mysql-status", "status": 1, "output": "error!"}' > /dev/udp/

You can also use the Netcat utility to send monitoring data to the agent socket:

echo '{"name": "check-mysql-status", "status": 1, "output": "error!"}' | nc -u -v 3030

Socket event format

The agent TCP and UDP sockets use a special event data format designed for backward compatibility with Sensu Core 1.x check results. Attributes specified in socket events appear in the resulting event data passed to the Sensu backend.

Example socket input: Minimum required attributes

  "name": "check-mysql-status",
  "status": 1,
  "output": "error!"

Example socket input: All attributes

  "name": "check-http",
  "status": 1,
  "output": "404",
  "source": "sensu-docs-site",
  "executed": 1550013435,
  "duration": 1.903135228,
  "handlers": ["slack", "influxdb"]

Socket event specification

NOTE: The Sensu agent socket ignores any attributes that are not included in this specification.

description Check name.
required true
type String
  "name": "check-mysql-status"
description Check execution exit status code. An exit status code of 0 (zero) indicates OK, 1 indicates WARNING, and 2 indicates CRITICAL. Exit status codes other than 0, 1, and 2 indicate an UNKNOWN or custom status.
required true
type Integer
  "status": 0
description Output produced by the check command.
required true
type String
  "output": "CheckHttp OK: 200, 78572 bytes"
description Name of the Sensu entity associated with the event. Use this attribute to tie the event to a proxy entity. If no matching entity exists, Sensu creates a proxy entity with the name provided by the source attribute.
required false
default The agent entity that receives the event data.
type String
  "source": "sensu-docs-site"
description Name of the Sensu entity associated with the event. Use this attribute to tie the event to a proxy entity. If no matching entity exists, Sensu creates a proxy entity with the name provided by the client attribute.

NOTE: The client attribute is deprecated in favor of the source attribute.

required false
default The agent entity that receives the event data.
type String
  "client": "sensu-docs-site"
description Time at which the check was executed. In seconds since the Unix epoch.
required false
default The time the event was received by the agent.
type Integer
  "executed": 1458934742
description Amount of time it took to execute the check. In seconds.
required false
type Float
  "duration": 1.903135228
description Command executed to produce the event. Use the command attribute to add context to the event data. Sensu does not execute the command included in this attribute.
required false
type String
  "command": "http-check --url"
description Interval used to produce the event. Use the interval attribute to add context to the event data. Sensu does not act on the value provided in this attribute.
required false
default 1
type Integer
  "interval": 60
description Array of Sensu handler names to use for handling the event. Each handler name in the array must be a string.
required false
type Array
  "handlers": ["slack", "influxdb"]

Registration, endpoint management, and service discovery

Sensu agents automatically discover and register infrastructure components and the services running on them. When an agent process stops, the Sensu backend can automatically create and process a deregistration event for the agent entities.

Read Automatically register and deregister entities for more information.

Agent configuration options

Agent configuration is customizable. This section describes each configuration option in more detail, including examples for each configuration method.

You can customize agent configuration with the agent configuration file (Linux and Windows), command line flag arguments (Linux), or environment variables (Linux and Windows).

NOTE: The agent loads configuration upon startup, so you must restart the agent for any configuration updates to take effect.

To view available configuration options for the sensu-agent start command, run:

sensu-agent start --help

The response will list configuration options as command line flags for sensu-agent start:

start the sensu agent

  sensu-agent start [flags]

      --agent-managed-entity                manage this entity via the agent
      --allow-list string                   path to agent execution allow list configuration file
      --annotations stringToString          entity annotations map (default [])
      --api-host string                     address to bind the Sensu client HTTP API to (default "")
      --api-port int                        port the Sensu client HTTP API listens on (default 3031)
      --assets-burst-limit int              asset fetch burst limit (default 100)
      --assets-rate-limit float             maximum number of assets fetched per second
      --backend-handshake-timeout int       number of seconds the agent should wait when negotiating a new WebSocket connection (default 15)
      --backend-heartbeat-interval int      interval at which the agent should send heartbeats to the backend (default 30)
      --backend-heartbeat-timeout int       number of seconds the agent should wait for a response to a hearbeat (default 45)
      --backend-url strings                 comma-delimited list of ws/wss URLs of Sensu backend servers. This flag can also be invoked multiple times (default [ws://])
      --cache-dir string                    path to store cached data (default "/var/cache/sensu/sensu-agent")
      --cert-file string                    certificate for TLS authentication
  -c, --config-file string                  path to sensu-agent config file (default "/etc/sensu/agent.yml")
      --deregister                          ephemeral agent
      --deregistration-handler string       deregistration handler that should process the entity deregistration event
      --detect-cloud-provider               enable cloud provider detection
      --disable-api                         disable the Agent HTTP API
      --disable-assets                      disable check assets on this agent
      --disable-sockets                     disable the Agent TCP and UDP event sockets
      --discover-processes                  indicates whether process discovery should be enabled
      --events-burst-limit int              /events api burst limit (default 10)
      --events-rate-limit float             maximum number of events transmitted to the backend through the /events api
  -h, --help                                help for start
      --insecure-skip-tls-verify            skip TLS verification (not recommended!)
      --keepalive-critical-timeout uint32   number of seconds until agent is considered dead by backend to create a critical event
      --keepalive-handlers strings          comma-delimited list of keepalive handlers for this entity. This flag can also be invoked multiple times
      --keepalive-interval int              number of seconds to send between keepalive events (default 20)
      --keepalive-pipelines strings         comma-delimited list of pipeline references for keepalive event
      --keepalive-warning-timeout uint32    number of seconds until agent is considered dead by backend to create a warning event (default 120)
      --key-file string                     key for TLS authentication
      --labels stringToString               entity labels map (default [])
      --log-level string                    logging level [panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug] (default "info")
      --max-session-length                  maximum amount of time after which the agent will reconnect to one of the configured backends (no maximum by default)
      --name string                         agent name (defaults to hostname) (default "my_hostname")
      --namespace string                    agent namespace (default "default")
      --password string                     agent password (default "P@ssw0rd!")
      --redact strings                      comma-delimited list of fields to redact, overwrites the default fields. This flag can also be invoked multiple times (default [password,passwd,pass,api_key,api_token,access_key,secret_key,private_key,secret])
      --require-fips                        indicates whether fips support should be required in openssl
      --retry-max                           maximum amount of time to wait before retrying an agent connection to the backend
      --retry-min                           minimum amount of time to wait before retrying an agent connection to the backend
      --retry-multiplier                    value multiplied with the current retry delay to produce a longer retry delay (bounded by --retry-max)
      --socket-host string                  address to bind the Sensu client socket to (default "")
      --socket-port int                     port the Sensu client socket listens on (default 3030)
      --statsd-disable                      disables the statsd listener and metrics server
      --statsd-event-handlers strings       comma-delimited list of event handlers for statsd metrics. This flag can also be invoked multiple times
      --statsd-flush-interval int           number of seconds between statsd flush (default 10)
      --statsd-metrics-host string          address used for the statsd metrics server (default "")
      --statsd-metrics-port int             port used for the statsd metrics server (default 8125)
      --strip-networks                      do not include Network info in agent entity state
      --subscriptions strings               comma-delimited list of agent subscriptions. This flag can also be invoked multiple times
      --trusted-ca-file string              TLS CA certificate bundle in PEM format
      --user string                         agent user (default "agent")

NOTE: Process discovery is disabled in this version of Sensu. The discover-processes configuration option is not available, and new events will not include data in the processes attributes. Instead, the field will be empty: "processes": null.

General configuration

description Indicates whether the agent’s entity solely managed by the agent rather than the backend API. Agent-managed entity definitions will include the label sensu-agent, and you cannot update these agent-managed entities via the Sensu backend REST API.
required false
type Boolean
default false
environment variable SENSU_AGENT_MANAGED_ENTITY
command line example
sensu-agent start --agent-managed-entity
agent.yml config file example
agent-managed-entity: true

description Path to yaml or json file that contains the allow list of check or hook commands the agent can execute. Read Allow list configuration and the example allow list configuration for information about building a configuration file.
type String
default ""
environment variable SENSU_ALLOW_LIST
command line example
sensu-agent start --allow-list /etc/sensu/check-allow-list.yaml
agent.yml config file example
allow-list: /etc/sensu/check-allow-list.yaml

description Non-identifying metadata to include with event data that you can access with event filters and tokens. You can use annotations to add data that is meaningful to people or external tools that interact with Sensu.

In contrast to labels, you cannot use annotations in API response filtering, sensuctl response filtering, or web UI view filtering.

NOTE: For annotations that you define in agent.yml, the keys are automatically modified to use all lower-case letters. For example, if you define the annotation webhookURL: "" in agent.yml, it will be listed as webhookurl: "" in entity definitions.

Key cases are not modified for annotations you define with the --annotations command line flag or the SENSU_ANNOTATIONS environment variable.

required false
type Map of key-value pairs. Keys and values can be any valid UTF-8 string.
default null
environment variable SENSU_ANNOTATIONS
command line example
sensu-agent start --annotations
sensu-agent start --annotations example-key="example value" --annotations example-key2="example value"
agent.yml config file example
annotations: ""

description Maximum amount of burst allowed in a rate interval when fetching dynamic runtime assets.
type Integer
default 100
environment variable SENSU_ASSETS_BURST_LIMIT
command line example
sensu-agent start --assets-burst-limit 100
agent.yml config file example
assets-burst-limit: 100
description Maximum number of dynamic runtime assets to fetch per second. The default value 1.39 is equivalent to approximately 5000 user-to-server requests per hour.
type Float
default 1.39
environment variable SENSU_ASSETS_RATE_LIMIT
command line example
sensu-agent start --assets-rate-limit 1.39
agent.yml config file example
assets-rate-limit: 1.39

description Number of seconds the Sensu agent should wait when negotiating a new WebSocket connection.
type Integer
default 15
command line example
sensu-agent start --backend-handshake-timeout 20
agent.yml config file example
backend-handshake-timeout: 20

description Interval at which the agent should send heartbeats to the Sensu backend. In seconds.
type Integer
default 30
command line example
sensu-agent start --backend-heartbeat-interval 45
agent.yml config file example
backend-heartbeat-interval: 45

description Number of seconds the agent should wait for a response to a hearbeat from the Sensu backend.
type Integer
default 45
command line example
sensu-agent start --backend-heartbeat-timeout 60
agent.yml config file example
backend-heartbeat-timeout: 60
description ws or wss URL of the Sensu backend server. To specify multiple backends with sensu-agent start, use this flag multiple times.

NOTE: If you do not specify a port for your backend-url values, the agent will automatically append the default backend port (8081).

type List
default ws:// and RHEL families)

$SENSU_HOSTNAME:8080 (Docker)

NOTE: Docker-only Sensu binds to the hostnames of containers, represented here as SENSU_HOSTNAME in Docker default values.

environment variable SENSU_BACKEND_URL
command line example
sensu-agent start --backend-url ws://
sensu-agent start --backend-url ws:// --backend-url ws://
sensu-agent start --backend-url wss://
sensu-agent start --backend-url wss:// --backend-url wss://
agent.yml config file example
  - "ws://"
  - "ws://"
  - "wss://"
  - "wss://"

description Path to store cached data.
type String
  • Linux: /var/cache/sensu/sensu-agent
  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\sensu\cache\sensu-agent
environment variable SENSU_CACHE_DIR
command line example
sensu-agent start --cache-dir /cache/sensu-agent
agent.yml config file example
cache-dir: "/cache/sensu-agent"

description Path to Sensu agent configuration file.
type String
  • Linux: /etc/sensu/agent.yml
  • FreeBSD: /usr/local/etc/sensu/agent.yml
  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\sensu\config\agent.yml
environment variable SENSU_CONFIG_FILE
command line example
sensu-agent start --config-file /sensu/agent.yml
sensu-agent start -c /sensu/agent.yml

description When set to true, disables dynamic runtime assets for the agent. If an agent attempts to execute a check that requires a dynamic runtime asset, the agent will respond with a status of 3 and a message that indicates the agent could not execute the check because assets are disabled.
type Boolean
default false
environment variable SENSU_DISABLE_ASSETS
command line example
sensu-agent start --disable-assets
agent.yml config file example
disable-assets: true

description When set to true, the agent populates the processes field in entity.system and updates every 20 seconds.

COMMERCIAL FEATURE: Access the discover-processes configuration option in the packaged Sensu Go distribution. For more information, read Get started with commercial features.

NOTE: Process discovery is disabled in this version of Sensu. The discover-processes flag is not available, and new events will not include data in the processes attributes. Instead, the field will be empty: "processes": null.

type Boolean
default false
environment variable SENSU_DISCOVER_PROCESSES
command line example
sensu-agent start --discover-processes
agent.yml config file example
discover-processes: true
description Custom attributes to include with event data that you can use for response and web UI view filtering.

If you include labels in your event data, you can filter API responses, sensuctl responses, and web UI views based on them. In other words, labels allow you to create meaningful groupings for your data.

Limit labels to metadata you need to use for response filtering. For complex, non-identifying metadata that you will not need to use in response filtering, use annotations rather than labels.

NOTE: For labels that you define in agent.yml, the keys are automatically modified to use all lower-case letters. For example, if you define the label proxyType: "website" in agent.yml, it will be listed as proxytype: "website" in entity definitions.

Key cases are not modified for labels you define with the --labels command line flag or the SENSU_LABELS environment variable.

required false
type Map of key-value pairs. Keys can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores and must start with a letter. Values can be any valid UTF-8 string.
default null
environment variable SENSU_LABELS
command line example
sensu-agent start --labels proxy_type=website
sensu-agent start --labels example_key1="example value" example_key2="example value"
agent.yml config file example
  proxy_type: website

description Logging level: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, or debug.
type String
default warn
environment variable SENSU_LOG_LEVEL
command line example
sensu-agent start --log-level debug
agent.yml config file example
log-level: debug

description Maximum duration for any one agent connection. In milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h). Use max-session-length to prevent agent connection distribution from becoming skewed over time.

The max-session-length algorithm includes random jitter so that agents will not disconnect and reconnect all at once. Based on the random jitter calculation, at some time before a connection reaches the specified maximum duration, Sensu will force the agent to disconnect and reconnect to an available configured backend.
type String
default Defaults to no maximum.
environment variable SENSU_MAX_SESSION_LENGTH
command line example
sensu-agent start --max-session-length 15m
agent.yml config file example
max-session-length: 15m

description Entity name assigned to the agent entity.
type String
default Defaults to hostname (for example, sensu-centos).
environment variable SENSU_NAME
command line example
sensu-agent start --name agent-01
agent.yml config file example
name: "agent-01"

description Maximum amount of time to wait before retrying an agent connection to the backend. In milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h).
type String
default 120s
environment variable SENSU_RETRY_MAX
command line example
sensu-agent start --retry-max 120s
agent.yml config file example
retry-max: 120s

description Minimum amount of time to wait before retrying an agent connection to the backend. Multiplied with the retry-multiplier value at each retry. In milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h).
type String
default 1s
environment variable SENSU_RETRY_MIN
command line example
sensu-agent start --retry-min 1s
agent.yml config file example
retry-min: 1s

description Value to multiply with the current retry-min delay to produce longer delays at each retry for exponential backoff.

NOTE: The maximum retry delay cannot not exceed the retry-max value.

type Float
default 2.0
environment variable SENSU_RETRY_MULTIPLIER
command line example
sensu-agent start --retry-multiplier 2.0
agent.yml config file example
retry-multiplier: 2.0

description When set to true, prevents network information from being collected by the Sensu agent.
type Boolean
environment variable SENSU_STRIP_NETWORKS
command line example
sensu-agent start --strip-networks
agent.yml config file example
strip-networks: true

description Array of agent subscriptions that determine which monitoring checks the agent will execute. The subscriptions array items must be strings.
type List
environment variable SENSU_SUBSCRIPTIONS
command line example
sensu-agent start --subscriptions disk-checks,process-checks
sensu-agent start --subscriptions disk-checks --subscriptions process-checks
agent.yml config file example
  - disk-checks
  - process-checks

API configuration

description Bind address for the Sensu agent HTTP API.
type String
environment variable SENSU_API_HOST
command line example
sensu-agent start --api-host
agent.yml config file example
api-host: ""
description Listening port for the Sensu agent HTTP API.
type Integer
default 3031
environment variable SENSU_API_PORT
command line example
sensu-agent start --api-port 3031
agent.yml config file example
api-port: 3031
description true to disable the agent HTTP API. Otherwise, false.
type Boolean
default false
environment variable SENSU_DISABLE_API
command line example
sensu-agent start --disable-api
agent.yml config file example
disable-api: true
description Maximum amount of burst allowed in a rate interval for the agent events API.
type Integer
default 10
environment variable SENSU_EVENTS_BURST_LIMIT
command line example
sensu-agent start --events-burst-limit 20
agent.yml config file example
events-burst-limit: 20
description Maximum number of events per second that can be transmitted to the backend with the agent events API.
type Float
default 10.0
environment variable SENSU_EVENTS_RATE_LIMIT
command line example
sensu-agent start --events-rate-limit 20.0
agent.yml config file example
events-rate-limit: 20.0

Ephemeral agent configuration

description true if a deregistration event should be created upon Sensu agent process stop. Otherwise, false.

NOTE: To receive alerts for failing keepalives, set to false.

type Boolean
default false
environment variable SENSU_DEREGISTER
command line example
sensu-agent start --deregister
agent.yml config file example
deregister: true

description Name of the event handler to use when processing the agent’s deregistration events. This configuration option overrides any handlers applied by the deregistration-handler backend configuration option.
type String
command line example
sensu-agent start --deregistration-handler deregister
agent.yml config file example
deregistration-handler: deregister

description true to enable cloud provider detection mechanisms. Otherwise, false. When this option is enabled, the agent will attempt to read files, resolve hostnames, and make HTTP requests to determine what cloud environment it is running in.
type Boolean
default false
environment variable SENSU_DETECT_CLOUD_PROVIDER
command line example
sensu-agent start --detect-cloud-provider false
agent.yml config file example
detect-cloud-provider: false

Keepalive configuration

description Number of seconds after a missing keepalive event until the agent is considered unresponsive by the Sensu backend to create a critical event. Set to disabled (0) by default. If the value is not 0, it must be greater than or equal to 5.

NOTE: The agent maps the keepalive-critical-timeout value to the event.check.ttl attribute when keepalive events are generated for the Sensu backend to process. The event.check.ttl attribute is useful for creating time-based event filters to reduce alert fatigue for agent keepalive events.

type Integer
default 0
command line example
sensu-agent start --keepalive-critical-timeout 300
agent.yml config file example
keepalive-critical-timeout: 300

description Keepalive event handlers to use for the entity, specified in a comma-delimited list. You can specify any configured handler and invoke the keepalive-handlers configuration option multiple times. If keepalive handlers are not specified, the Sensu backend will use the default keepalive handler and create an event in sensuctl and the Sensu web UI.
type List
default keepalive
environment variable SENSU_KEEPALIVE_HANDLERS
command line example
sensu-agent start --keepalive-handlers slack,email
agent.yml config file example
- slack
- email
description Number of seconds between keepalive events.
type Integer
default 20
environment variable SENSU_KEEPALIVE_INTERNAL
command line example
sensu-agent start --keepalive-interval 30
agent.yml config file example
keepalive-interval: 30

description Pipelines to use for processing keepalive events, specified in a comma-delimited list. If keepalive pipelines are not specified, the Sensu backend will use the default keepalive handler and create an event in sensuctl and the Sensu web UI.

To specify pipelines for the keepalive-pipelines configuration option, use the fully qualified name for pipeline resources (core/v2.Pipeline) plus the pipeline name.
type List
default keepalive
environment variable SENSU_KEEPALIVE_PIPELINES
command line example
sensu-agent start --keepalive-pipelines core/v2.Pipeline.slack,core/
agent.yml config file example
- core/v2.Pipeline.slack
- core/

description Number of seconds after a missing keepalive event until the agent is considered unresponsive by the Sensu backend to create a warning event. Value must be lower than the keepalive-critical-timeout value. Minimum value is 5.

NOTE: The agent maps the keepalive-warning-timeout value to the event.check.timeout attribute when keepalive events are generated for the Sensu backend to process. The event.check.timeout attribute is useful for creating time-based event filters to reduce alert fatigue for agent keepalive events.

type Integer
default 120
command line example
sensu-agent start --keepalive-warning-timeout 300
agent.yml config file example
keepalive-warning-timeout: 300

Security configuration

description Path to the agent certificate file used in mTLS authentication. Sensu supports certificate bundles (or chains) as long as the agent (or leaf) certificate is the first certificate in the bundle.
type String
default ""
environment variable SENSU_CERT_FILE
command line example
sensu-agent start --cert-file /path/to/tls/agent.pem
agent.yml config file example
cert-file: "/path/to/tls/agent.pem"
description Skip SSL verification.

WARNING: This configuration option is intended for use in development systems only. Do not use this configuration option in production.

type Boolean
default false
command line example
sensu-agent start --insecure-skip-tls-verify
agent.yml config file example
insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
description Path to the agent key file used in mTLS authentication.
type String
default ""
environment variable SENSU_KEY_FILE
command line example
sensu-agent start --key-file /path/to/tls/agent-key.pem
agent.yml config file example
key-file: "/path/to/tls/agent-key.pem"
description Agent namespace.

NOTE: Agents are represented in the backend as a class of entity. Entities can only belong to a single namespace.

type String
default default
environment variable SENSU_NAMESPACE
command line example
sensu-agent start --namespace ops
agent.yml config file example
namespace: ops

description Sensu RBAC password used by the agent.
type String
default P@ssw0rd!
environment variable SENSU_PASSWORD
command line example
sensu-agent start --password secure-password
agent.yml config file example
password: secure-password
description List of fields to redact when displaying the entity.

NOTE: Redacted secrets are sent via the WebSocket connection and stored in etcd. They are not logged or displayed via the Sensu API.

type List
default By default, Sensu redacts the following fields: password, passwd, pass, api_key, api_token, access_key, secret_key, private_key, secret.
environment variable SENSU_REDACT
command line example
sensu-agent start --redact secret,ec2_access_key
agent.yml config file example
  - secret
  - ec2_access_key

description Require Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) support in OpenSSL. Logs an error at Sensu agent startup if true but OpenSSL is not running in FIPS mode.

NOTE: The require-fips configuration option is only available within the Linux amd64 OpenSSL-linked binary. Contact Sensu to request the builds for OpenSSL with FIPS support.

type Boolean
default false
environment variable SENSU_REQUIRE_FIPS
command line example
sensu-agent start --require-fips
agent.yml config file example
require-fips: true
description SSL/TLS certificate authority.
type String
default ""
environment variable SENSU_TRUSTED_CA_FILE
command line example
sensu-agent start --trusted-ca-file /path/to/tls/ca.pem
agent.yml config file example
trusted-ca-file: "/path/to/tls/ca.pem"

description Sensu RBAC username used by the agent. Agents require get, list, create, update, and delete permissions for events across all namespaces.
type String
default agent
environment variable SENSU_USER
command line example
sensu-agent start --user agent-01
agent.yml config file example
user: "agent-01"

Socket configuration

description true to disable the agent TCP and UDP event sockets. Othewise, false.
type Boolean
default false
environment variable SENSU_DISABLE_SOCKETS
command line example
sensu-agent start --disable-sockets
agent.yml config file example
disable-sockets: true
description Address to bind the Sensu agent socket to.
type String
environment variable SENSU_SOCKET_HOST
command line example
sensu-agent start --socket-host
agent.yml config file example
socket-host: ""
description Port the Sensu agent socket listens on.
type Integer
default 3030
environment variable SENSU_SOCKET_PORT
command line example
sensu-agent start --socket-port 3030
agent.yml config file example
socket-port: 3030

StatsD configuration

description true to disable the StatsD listener and metrics server. Otherwise, false.
type Boolean
default false
environment variable SENSU_STATSD_DISABLE
command line example
sensu-agent start --statsd-disable
agent.yml config file example
statsd-disable: true
description List of event handlers for StatsD metrics.
type List
environment variable SENSU_STATSD_EVENT_HANDLERS
command line example
sensu-agent start --statsd-event-handlers influxdb,opentsdb
sensu-agent start --statsd-event-handlers influxdb --statsd-event-handlers opentsdb
agent.yml config file example
  - influxdb
  - opentsdb
description Number of seconds between StatsD flushes.
type Integer
default 10
environment variable SENSU_STATSD_FLUSH_INTERVAL
command line example
sensu-agent start --statsd-flush-interval 30
agent.yml config file example
statsd-flush-interval: 30
description Address used for the StatsD metrics server.
type String
environment variable SENSU_STATSD_METRICS_HOST
command line example
sensu-agent start --statsd-metrics-host
agent.yml config file example
statsd-metrics-host: ""
description Port used for the StatsD metrics server.
type Integer
default 8125
environment variable SENSU_STATSD_METRICS_PORT
command line example
sensu-agent start --statsd-metrics-port 8125
agent.yml config file example
statsd-metrics-port: 8125

Allow list configuration

The allow list includes check and hook commands the agent can execute. Use the allow-list configuration option to specify the path to the yaml or json file that contains your allow list.

Use these commands to build your allow list configuration file.

description Arguments for the exec command.
required true
type Array
- foo
  "args": ["foo"]
description true to enable environment variables. Otherwise, false.
required false
type Boolean
enable_env: true
  "enable_env": true
description Command to allow the Sensu agent to run as a check or a hook.
required true
type String
exec: "/usr/local/bin/"
  "exec": "/usr/local/bin/"
description Checksum of the check or hook executable.
required false
type String
sha512: 4f926bf4328...
  "sha512": "4f926bf4328..."

Example allow list configuration

- exec: /usr/local/bin/
  - ""
  sha512: 736ac120323772543fd3a08ee54afdd54d214e58c280707b63ce652424313ef9084ca5b247d226aa09be8f831034ff4991bfb95553291c8b3dc32cad034b4706
  enable_env: true
  foo: bar
- exec: /usr/local/bin/
  - ""
  sha512: 28d61f303136b16d20742268a896bde194cc99342e02cdffc1c2186f81c5adc53f8550635156bebeed7d87a0c19a7d4b7a690f1a337cc4737e240b62b827f78a
- exec:
  - "foo"
  sha512: cce3d16e5881ba829f271df778f9014f7c3659917f7acfd7a60a91bfcabb472eea72f9781194d310388ba046c21790364ad0308a5a897cde50022195ba90924b
    "exec": "/usr/local/bin/",
    "args": [
    "sha512": "736ac120323772543fd3a08ee54afdd54d214e58c280707b63ce652424313ef9084ca5b247d226aa09be8f831034ff4991bfb95553291c8b3dc32cad034b4706",
    "enable_env": true,
    "foo": "bar"
    "exec": "/usr/local/bin/",
    "args": [
    "sha512": "28d61f303136b16d20742268a896bde194cc99342e02cdffc1c2186f81c5adc53f8550635156bebeed7d87a0c19a7d4b7a690f1a337cc4737e240b62b827f78a"
    "exec": "",
    "args": [
    "sha512": "cce3d16e5881ba829f271df778f9014f7c3659917f7acfd7a60a91bfcabb472eea72f9781194d310388ba046c21790364ad0308a5a897cde50022195ba90924b"

Agent configuration methods

Agent configuration file

For Linux and Windows agents, you can customize the agent configuration in a .yml configuration file.

The default agent configuration file path for Linux is /etc/sensu/agent.yml. The default agent configuration file path for Windows is C:\ProgramData\sensu\config\agent.yml.example.

To use the agent.yml file to configure the agent, list the desired configuration attributes and values. Review the example Sensu agent configuration file for a complete example.

NOTE: The agent loads configuration upon startup. If you make changes in the agent.yml configuration file after startup, you must restart the agent for the changes to take effect.

Configuration via command line flags or environment variables overrides any configuration specified in the agent configuration file. Read Create overrides to learn more.

Command line flags

For Linux agents, you can customize the agent configuration with sensu-agent start command line flags.

To use command line flags, specify the desired configuration options and values along with the sensu-agent start command. For example:

sensu-agent start --name webserver_05 --keepalive-warning-timeout 60 --keepalive-critical-timeout 120

Configuration via command line flags overrides attributes specified in a configuration file or with environment variables. Read Create overrides to learn more.

Environment variables

Instead of using the agent configuration file or command line flags, you can use environment variables to configure your Sensu agent. Each agent configuration option has an associated environment variable. You can also create your own environment variables, as long as you name them correctly and save them in the correct place. Here’s how.

  1. Create the files from which the sensu-agent service configured by our supported packages will read environment variables:

    Debian familyRHEL family
    sudo touch /etc/default/sensu-agent
    sudo touch /etc/sysconfig/sensu-agent
  2. Make sure the environment variable is named correctly. All environment variables that control Sensu agent configuration begin with SENSU_.

    To rename a configuration option you wish to specify as an environment variable, prepend SENSU_, convert dashes to underscores, and capitalize all letters. For example, the environment variable for the flag api-host is SENSU_API_HOST.

    For a custom environment variable, you do not have to prepend SENSU. For example, TEST_VAR_1 is a valid custom environment variable name.

  3. Add the environment variable to the environment file.

    In this example, the api-host flag is configured as an environment variable and set to "":

    Debian familyRHEL family
    echo 'SENSU_API_HOST=""' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/sensu-agent
    echo 'SENSU_API_HOST=""' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysconfig/sensu-agent
  4. Restart the sensu-agent service so these settings can take effect:

    Debian familyRHEL family
    sudo systemctl restart sensu-agent
    sudo systemctl restart sensu-agent

NOTE: Sensu includes an environment variable for each agent configuration option. They are listed in the configuration description tables.

Environment variables on the Windows agent are located in the Windows Registry. Here’s how to add environment variables to the agent.

  1. Open up the Run dialog:
windows + r
  1. Open the registry editor by typing the following in the Run dialog:
  1. Navigate to the following registry path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment

  2. Click Edit –> New –> String Value

  3. Edit the new string entry and change the “Value name” to be SENSU_API_HOST and the “Value data” to be

  4. Log out of any sessions on your Windows device, or optionally reboot to have the environment variable loaded.

Format for label and annotation environment variables

To use labels and annotations as environment variables in your check and plugin configurations, you must use a specific format when you create the environment variables.

For example, to create the labels "region": "us-east-1" and "type": "website" as an environment variable:

Debian familyRHEL family
echo 'SENSU_LABELS='{"region": "us-east-1", "type": "website"}'' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/sensu-agent
echo 'SENSU_LABELS='{"region": "us-east-1", "type": "website"}'' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysconfig/sensu-agent

To create the annotations "maintainer": "Team A" and "webhook-url": "" as an environment variable:

Debian familyRHEL family
echo 'SENSU_ANNOTATIONS='{"maintainer": "Team A", "webhook-url": ""}'' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/sensu-agent
echo 'SENSU_ANNOTATIONS='{"maintainer": "Team A", "webhook-url": ""}'' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysconfig/sensu-agent

Use environment variables with the Sensu agent

Any environment variables you create in /etc/default/sensu-agent (Debian family) or /etc/sysconfig/sensu-agent (RHEL family) will be available to check and hook commands executed by the Sensu agent. This includes your checks and plugins.

For example, if you create a custom environment variable TEST_VARIABLE in your sensu-agent file, it will be available to use in your check and hook configurations as $TEST_VARIABLE.

The following check example demonstrates how to use a TEST_GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable (set to the token value in the sensu-agent file) in the check command to run a script that pings the GitHub API:

type: CheckConfig
api_version: core/v2
  name: ping-github-api
  - slack
  interval: 10
  publish: true
  - system
  "type": "CheckConfig",
  "api_version": "core/v2",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "ping-github-api"
  "spec": {
    "command": " $TEST_GITHUB_TOKEN",
    "handlers": [
    "interval": 10,
    "publish": true,
    "subscriptions": [

Use environment variables to specify an HTTP proxy for agent use

If an HTTP proxy is required to access the internet in your compute environment, you may need to configure the Sensu agent to successfully download dynamic runtime assets or execute commands that depend on internet access.

For Sensu agents that require a proxy server, define HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables in your sensu-agent file.


You can use the same proxy server URL for HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY. The proxy server URL you specify for HTTPS_PROXY does not need to use https://.

After you add the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables and restart sensu-agent, they will be available to check and hook commands executed by the Sensu agent. You can then use HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY to add dynamic runtime assets, run checks, and complete other tasks that typically require an internet connection for your unconnected entities.

NOTE: If you define the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables, the agent WebSocket connection will also use the proxy URL you specify.

Create configuration overrides

Sensu has default settings and limits for certain configuration attributes, like the default log level. Depending on your environment and preferences, you may want to create overrides for these Sensu-specific defaults and limits.

You can create configuration overrides in several ways:

  • Command line configuration flag arguments for sensu-agent start.
  • Environment variables in /etc/default/sensu-agent (Debian family) or /etc/sysconfig/sensu-agent (RHEL family).
  • Configuration settings in the agent.yml config file.

NOTE: We do not recommend editing the systemd unit file to create overrides. Future package upgrades can overwrite changes in the systemd unit file.

Sensu applies the following precedence to override settings:

  1. Arguments passed to the Sensu agent via command line configuration flags.
  2. Environment variables in /etc/default/sensu-agent (Debian family) or /etc/sysconfig/sensu-agent (RHEL family).
  3. Configuration in the agent.yml config file.

For example, if you create overrides using all three methods, the command line configuration flag values will take precedence over the values you specify in /etc/default/sensu-agent or /etc/sysconfig/sensu-agent or the agent.yml config file.

Example override: Log level

The default log level for the Sensu agent is warn.

To override the default and automatically apply a different log level for the agent, add the --log-level command line configuration flag when you start the Sensu agent. For example, to specify debug as the log level:

sensu-agent start --log-level debug

To configure an environment variable for the desired agent log level:

Debian familyRHEL family
echo 'SENSU_LOG_LEVEL=debug' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/sensu-agent
echo 'SENSU_LOG_LEVEL=debug' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysconfig/sensu-agent

To configure the desired log level in the config file, add this line to agent.yml:

log-level: debug

Service management

NOTE: Service management commands may require administrative privileges.

Start the service

Use the sensu-agent tool to start the agent and apply configuration flags.


Start the agent with configuration flags:

sensu-agent start --subscriptions disk-checks --log-level debug

View available configuration flags and defaults:

sensu-agent start --help

Start the agent using a service manager:

sudo systemctl start sensu-agent

If you do not provide any configuration flags, the agent loads configuration from the location specified by the config-file attribute (default is /etc/sensu/agent.yml).


Run the following command as the admin user to install and start the agent:

sensu-agent service install

By default, the agent loads configuration from %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\sensu\config\agent.yml (for example, C:\ProgramData\sensu\config\agent.yml) and stores service logs to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\sensu\log\sensu-agent.log (for example, C:\ProgramData\sensu\log\sensu-agent.log).

Configure the configuration file and log file locations using the config-file and log-file flags:

sensu-agent service install --config-file 'C:\\ProgramData\\sensu\\config\\agent.yml' --log-file 'C:\\ProgramData\\sensu\\log\\sensu-agent.log'

Stop the service

Stop the agent service using a service manager:

sudo systemctl stop sensu-agent
sc.exe stop SensuAgent

Restart the service

You must restart the agent to implement any configuration updates.


Restart the agent with a service manager:

sudo systemctl restart sensu-agent


Restart the agent with a service manager:

sc.exe start SensuAgent

On Windows platforms, the Sensu Agent service will automatically restart after failures. You’ll still need to use a service manager restart Windows agents to implement configuration updates.

Enable on boot

Enable the agent to start on system boot:

sudo systemctl enable sensu-agent
The service is configured to start automatically on boot by default.

NOTE: On older distributions of Linux, use sudo chkconfig sensu-agent on to enable the agent.

Disable on boot

Disable the agent from starting on system boot:

sudo systemctl disable sensu-agent
The service is configured to start automatically on boot by default.

NOTE: On older distributions of Linux, use sudo chkconfig sensu-agent off to disable the agent.

Get service status

View the status of the agent service using a service manager:

sudo systemctl status sensu-agent
sc.exe query SensuAgent

Get service version

Get the version of the current sensu-agent tool:

sensu-agent version

Get the version of the running sensu-agent service:


Uninstall the service

Uninstall the sensu-agent service:

sudo systemctl stop sensu-agent
sensu-agent service uninstall

Get help

The sensu-agent tool provides general and command-specific help flags.

View sensu-agent commands:

sensu-agent help

List options for a specific command (in this case, sensu-agent start):

sensu-agent start --help